Basic programming course: Lesson #1 - Introduction to programming"

in devjr-s20w1 •  20 days ago 


My greetings to all friends I am participating in the contest of my dear and great personality @alejos7ven who has introduced us to a great contest and it is about programming that we have created for ourselves in the best of the best contest. I can count and I hope everyone here will benefit from it. Similarly, all of us will present writing with our same competition


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Task 1. Describe in your own words an algorithm of some activity you do daily.

Daily Activity Algorithm

Every morning I do a specific activity that is essential, to getting, my day off to a good start. This can be described as an Algorithm:

1. Waking up I wake up to the sound of my alarm and get out of bed.

2. Brushing: The first thing I do after waking up is brush my teeth.

3. Preparing breakfast: After brushing I go to the kitchen and prepare my breakfast, which is often a simple dish.

4. Having breakfast: After breakfast is ready, I sit down and eat breakfast.

5. Study preparation: After having breakfast I prepare the necessary books and notes for my studies.

6. Study: I ​​focus on my studies during a specific time.

This is a simple algorithm of daily activities that I do every day to start the day well and focus on studying.

Task 2: What is the importance of programming languages in the world? How do they help us?

Importance of programming, languages, ​​and their role in the world

Programming languages ​​are a means of communicating, with computers and other Electronic devices. With the help of these languages, we can give instructions to the computer are so that it can perform Specific Tasks for us. Their importance increases when we see that in todays modern age everything depends on computers and software.

  1. A means of communicating with a computer

Programming languages ​​are the only means of Communicating with computers. We can communicate our thoughts and commands to computers Through programming languages. Without it, the computer cannot understand, us or perform tasks for us.


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2. Development of various software and applications

Various software and applications are developed with the help of programming languages ​​which make our life easier. These languages, ​​help software developers in creating Different types of applications such as mobile applications, websites, and other systems.

  1. Creation of automated systems

Programming languages ​​help us create automated systems. These systems automate various tasks, such as automated machines in a production line, financial systems, and other automated processes. These automated systems simplify human work and save time.

  1. Problem solving ability

Programming languages ​​improve problem solving skills. When we write code we come Across different problems that have to use different Techniques, and logics to solve them. It improves our analytical and critical thinking skills.


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  1. Use in various industries

Programming languages ​​are widely used in various industries. Be it the banking sector Healthcare sector education sector, or e-commerce everywhere programming languages ​​play an important role. With their Help various systems are developed and operated which help in the development of these industries.

  1. Preparing for the future

Programming languages ​​prepare us for the future. As Technology is Advancing day by day so is the use of programming languages. With their Help we can develop new and innovative systems that can meet future needs.

  1. New job opportunities

There are Countless job opportunities around the world for people with Programming language Skills. With the Advancement, in the field of Technology companies are looking for experts who can develop various software and systems for them.


Programming languages ​​are playing for an important Role in the development of the world. With their Helps we communicate with computers, develop various software, and create a automated systems. These languages ​​improve problem solving Skills and are used in various industries. With their help, we can meet the challenge of the future and create new job opportunities.

3. What do you need while programming?

Things needed during programming

The following are important while programming:

1. A clear goal: Before programming, you must know what you want to create or achieve.

2. Appropriate programming, language Choose a programming language according to The task you are programming for.

3. Computer and Software: A powerful, computer and suitable software such as IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is essential for programming.

4. Code Editor: A good code editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text helps in writing and editing code.

5. Reference Material: Programming documents, books, and online tutorials can help you improve your programming skills.

6. Debugging Tools: Use debugging tools to troubleshoot program errors.

7. Patience and Persistence: Programming can be difficult, so patience and constant effort is required.

Write your first "Hello world!" Using pseudo-code.


First picture


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In this lesson we introduced the basic concepts of the Programming. Programming is a skill used to instruct computers to perform specific tasks. We learned that a computer, only does what we teach it to do and these instructions are given in a specific order called "algorithms.

We also got an introduction to different programming languages or ​​ learned that These languages ​​are a means of communicating, with computers. The purpose of this lesson was to provide a basic understanding of programming so that you can prepare for the next steps:

Finally, congratulations, on taking the first step on this programming journey!

i would like to invite @beautiful12 @chant @albenis to take part in this contest

Best Regard @shabbir86

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