Basic programming course: Lesson #1 - Introduction to programming [ESP-ENG]

in devjr-s20w1 •  24 days ago  (edited)

Task 1. Describe in your own words an algorithm of some activity you do daily.
Task 2. What is the importance of programming languages in the world? How do they help us?
Task 3. What do you need while programming?
Task 4. Write your first "Hello world!" Using pseudo-code.

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Hello dear friend and readers, it is with great honor that I am participating in this week engagement challenge and it is of greater honor to be participating in search Powerful and important topic. As we all know technology is taking over almost every aspect in the current world and one of the most powerful motors driving this technology is programming.

Describe in your own words an algorithm of some activity you do daily

The term algorithm is indeed a scary term with simple meaning, this is because I remember the first time in school. I was thinking it was going to be very very complex topic because I've heard so many programmers and very smart people use the terminology especially when performing high complex programming task.

You might be the wondering why I'm saying it is a very simple meaning, I said so because every one of us now day to day activity performs algorithms in order to have a successful day or to accomplish any mission we wish to. That is to say only by sitting down and thinking of a plan to perform a specific action or by producing problem solving solutions, you have automatically created an algorithm.

The funniest thing is you don't need to be planning for a complex project or any problem solving solution to create an algorithm, because you can easily create one even by planning or buying food stuff to prepare breakfast. You can also do create an algorithm in developing a step of moves for a dance or choreography in an important occasion or event

What is the importance of programming languages in the world? How do they help us?

Before I talk about the importance of programming I would like to make my own explanation on what I think programming is, this is because I believe it will influence the set of answer I'll be producing as the importance of programming. I want to share an experience I had a one of my first years in school, can you imagine my lecturer asked me what programming was and the answer I gave made everyone burst into serious laughter. I told my lecturer that programming is there act of writing programs, although it logically correct but I don't think it is educationally correct.

From my own understanding I would say that programming is the act of writing problem solving codes in a manner the computer can efficiently and effectively understand and use. Like they used to say communication is key, so therefore when a programmer can efficiently and effectively communicate with the computer then problem solving would be easier for both parties involved.

Programming languages are just different languages in which different programmers or developers used to communicate efficiently with the computer, there are different types of programming languages are there but I'll be listing few of the most famous types: Java, C#, C++, Python and even JavaScript, although some people calls JavaScript a scripting language but because of the fact that it performs object-oriented programming and it has powerful frameworks to perform programming tasks, I personally call it a programming language.

Enough with the stories below are some importance of programming languages:

It made communication easier:
Before now communicating with the computer was done on binary digit which are very complex and difficult to understand but all thanks to technology now there are different types of programming language that made communication easier like high-level languages I listed above.


The birth of programming language what about improved efficiency on what a computer can do and will do for you, this is because before now computer systems performs little or less efficient jobs than now. That is to say they had less capacity or limited capability to perform some tasks because there was no way to ask the computer to perform those tasks.


All thanks to the birth of programming languages we now have so many technology innovations all over the world, for example we can cancel the power off artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics,internet of things and so many Powerful technologies that is taking over the world.

Problem solving:

One of the basic goal of programming is problem solving, all thanks to this powerful technologies so many problems the word faced has been resolved. For example we can see how it have made communication easier for people all over the world, this is because before now messages took days before they could reach their destinations or meet they supposed receiver but with the help of programming language and it's powerful innovations all this issues have now come to her end through smartphones another type of phones in the world now.

What do you need while programming?


A journey programming is indeed a one you should prepare properly before jumping into, yeah just few things you need to do before you start programming, these things are not 100% essential but they help improve efficiency and capability of the programmer while working or creating solutions.

• The first thing you should do is that you should really plan. Yes planning is very essential before you start performing any programming tasks, otherwise you would continuously perform same loop of tasks over and over again. Mover there's a saying that he who fails to plan plans to fail so therefore you should always be prepared before jumping on any programming duties or job.

• Another very important thing you need to do before you start a live as a programmer is that you should get a really Powerful system this is because on a long run it would help you perform heavier duties which is and reasonable speed, this is because some programming task can slow down or make some systems hang or go off. I am a witness of that, sometimes while running my node server and my database on my system my system begins to behave funny and that time it just hangs. Although as soon as I have enough money I plan on buying a new system to improve my efficiency.

But as for beginners I I think any type of computer system will serve you, in fact some Android phones can run some of these programming codes as long as they are basic and simple. So in summary if you're have enough money you should buy a very powerful system to avoid cases where you have to change your system while working on the bigger project.

• Hungry for knowledge:

To successfully become a well-known programmer I think you should be always hungry for knowledge that are really going to solve problems, this is because as a programmer is necessary you learn continuously because this programming language Is usually updated and if you are not updated you start generating a lot of bugs while programming.

Write your first "Hello world!" Using pseudo-code.

Pseudo-code a very important codes used in the programming world to help create a wonderful and efficient algorithm that would help programmers easily create their code. If you can remember vividly well I said the first thing you need as a programmer is planning and pseudo-code are there for you to easily plan on how your code would be.

This will give you an in-depth insight to do and when you are to do it, and with the help of this pseudo-code they become lower chances of you finding bugs in your program this is because you have a real structure plan before embarking on your project

Algorithm sayHello
Print “Hello world!”;

Above is a pseudo-code that's create an algorithm on how I am going to write my first hello world program. Before I go I would like to ask a question to all the programmers out there especially our teacher, why on earth do our first codes always have to be hello world 😂 😂.

In Conclusion

The importance of programming cannot be ignored because over the decade it has changed a lot of things in the world and I believe it's still changing a lot of things in the future.I must say I have learnt a lot about algorithm, pseudo-code, programming languages and every other term that was taught in this engagement challenge, I really appreciate the knowledge.

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Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful perspective on algorithms and programming. I can relate to your experience of initially being intimidated by the term "algorithm" only to realize later how naturally we use algorithms in our daily lives. Your explanation really highlights how the concept is far simpler than it seems, and how it's more about problem-solving than complexity.

This is an excellent post that provides detailed information about programming and algorithms. You have beautifully explained how we use algorithms in everyday life in an intangible way. Most people think algorithm is complicated, but you have explained it in very simple terms.

Your description on the importance of programming languages ​​and their benefits is also very informative. Especially the fact that programming is about solving problems is great. "Hello World" using pseudo code