in devotion •  3 years ago 

"So David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD. “
And Nathan said to David, “The LORD has put away your sin; you shall not die
(2 Samuel 12:13- NKJV ).
After David had directed the killing of Uriah and taking over of his wife, Nathan was sent to rebuke David, who accepted his faults and pleaded for forgiveness .
Nathan assured David that due to his remorse and repentance, he won't die.
David’s sorry declaration changed his story from potential death to life, because murder and adultery were all offences punishable by death under the law.
It takes extreme courage to concede that you are at fault and need to be forgiven.

The sorry you genuinely send out can help restore whatever you might have lost out in your dealings with others.

A hamper filled with the phrase “I am sorry,“ given out bountifully and generously in love, has the capacity to still the turbulent waters and convert them to still waters. Shalom and Good afternoon

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