DEVOTION:You will complete that which you have started!!!!!

in devotional •  7 years ago 

Daily food!!!!

2 Chronicles 6:1-11


I have built a magnificent temple for you, a place for you to dwell forever ”. 2 Chronicles 6:2, NIV

Many may not remember the winner of the 1968 Olympics marathon. But Tanzania’s John Stephen Akhwari made the news because one hour after the marathon’s winner had crossed the finish line; Akhwari limped across the finish line, having been injured in a fall early in the race. Asked why he didn’t quit, he said, “My country sent me to finish”. Solomon attributed his successful completion of the temple to God and thanked Him for the privilege to be chosen to build the temple.

God finishes whatever he starts (Philippians 1:6), and is not interested in starters alone; He wants those who will persevere in the face of odds and hurdles to finish their race. If He has inspired you to start something, He wants you to trust Him as you take steps to finish it. What about that book you started reading but never finished? Many people don’t get to finish what they start due to distractions or procrastination. Myles Munroe said the graveyard is a repository of lost treasures where you have “unwritten books, uncomposed music, unrealized dreams, unfulfilled hopes, unexpressed ideas, unreleased potential, and unfinished growth. “Why not ask for grace to key into God’s purpose for your life and finish your course well.

Birthday Blessing: “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete”. John 16:24.

RBT Passage: Exodus 19; Luke 22; Job 37; 2 Corinthians 7.

“Start fresh; stay strong; finish well”. –Anonymous

@original works


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Nice one