A basic and friendly programming course | Steemit Engagement Challenge Application

in devwithseven •  6 months ago 

A basic and friendly programming course.jpg

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Greetings my Jr devs,

This time I come to apply for the 20th season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge as an individual challenger to propose a basic and friendly programming course. The idea of this course is to introduce anyone to the world of programming, even if they don't know anything yet, proposing friendly concepts and tasks that will not require extra resources, just the desire to learn.


@alejos7venVenezuela5050Spanish and English
Their experience on Steem, and vital statistics

Hi, I’m Alejos7ven from Venezuela (@alejos7ven)

I started on the platform through a job offer as a software developer and little by little I was integrating the blog as such. My activities on the blog began with a curation project called @steem-seven which stopped for a while and was strongly reactivated a few months ago.

A short time later I joined as a Community Manager in Comunidad Latina where I have developed and together with a great team we have taken the project on a very good path.

Among the applications I have developed for steem I can mention https://ecosynthesizer.com which is owned by @symbionts, and others such as http://t.me/steem_cotify_bot in collaboration with @cotina and https://steemways.com together with the Steem Seven team. In addition to some other open source projects on my Github

I am a main moderator in Comunidad Latina for more than 24 months maintaining the post and active keys; I worked together with the Newcommers community as a Greeter in it where I supported @cryptokannon with several curation bots for steemcurator03;

I support several communities such as Colombia Original with the automated payment of rewards to delegates. I consider myself someone who prioritizes responsibility and transparency.

My key statistics and delegations:


Details of any real world experience or expertise they want to bring to their Challenges

I started learning programming at the end of 2018 just after graduating from high school and entering the University to study Software Engineering. Despite going to the University, my studies began to be self-taught because I really liked the area.

When the pandemic fell, I focused 100% for more than 6 months on perfecting my skills in the world of web development, and at the end of 2020 I began to apply for jobs to put my skills into practice. That's how I met Steem, and since then I have continued to develop my skills by creating numerous projects for the Blockchain.

A list of six weekly Challenge questions they plan to use to encourage debate and discussion.

The course will be aimed at introducing anyone to the world of programming, regardless of their level of knowledge in the area. Natural language, simple dialects and pseudo code will be used to guarantee the perfect inclusion of anyone.

At the end of the course, it is expected to achieve in the contestants:

  • Create basic notions of how a computer works.
  • Learn how to create pseudo-code algorithms.

As requested in the guidelines, the course will consist of 6 chapters:

1. Introduction to programming.

  • What is programming? Introduction to algorithms.
  • What is a programming language?
  • Introduction to the pseudo-code.

2. Variables and Types of Data

  • What is a variable?
  • Types of data
  • Practical examples

3. Operators and Expressions

  • Mathematical, logical and comparative operators
  • Practical examples

4. Control Structures. Part 1.

  • Introduction to the flow control of an algorithm.
  • Conditional.
  • Practical examples

5. Control Structures. Part 2.

  • Introduction to repetitive structures.
  • Cycles.
  • Counters and accumulators.
  • Practical examples

6. Functions.

  • Tips and advice to create clean and efficient code.
  • Functions.
  • Practical examples.


For the safety of the spectators, NO will be worked with external files, all the exercises will be developed within the same publication of the contestants. Each lesson will have an assignment with 4 exercises (2.5 points each)

Thank you for reading and looking forward for new Jr developers!

Steem on!,

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Esto si sera valioso para cada usuario, nos sumara nuevos conocimientos.

Apoyado 100 %.

Gracias hermanoo

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

Support partner witnesses


We are the hope!

Hi @alejos7ven,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using steem-fanbase.com.

Come and visit Italy Community

Un interesante programa de aprendizaje. Será interesante participar. Al leer esta publicación ya estoy aprendiendo. Tú mi estimado amigo, siempre nos enseñas algo.

Muchos éxitos y bendiciones 🙏🙏🙏

gracias por el apoyo! desde ya con animos de crear este curso.

Grandioso hermano

Una propuesta viable y entendible.


Gracias bro!!

Your topic of computer programming is really interesting and we have to learn more, thanks for share.

This will be good!


Estoy muy interesada en este tipo de curso, ya que pase a cuarto año de telemática y allí se estará hablando de programación.

Éxito y más éxito.
Saludos cordiales.
Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

Te viene como anillo al dedo, esperemos ser seleccionado ♥️

You have shared a really informative topic and CSS students can learn more about their concern topic programming. I wish you a good luck

Good, I’ll do my best✨

This post has been upvoted by @italygame witness curation trail

If you like our work and want to support us, please consider to approve our witness


Come and visit Italy Community

Dear Sir @alejos7ven

Your post is really very informative and a great opportunity for CSS students to learn about programming. I wish you all the best. Attending this programming course will definitely be valuable for every user and we will get full benefit from the new knowledge.

Many thanks and many prayers.

Glad to hear that. I’ll do my best

Yeah we are excited to learn programming more from you. Its great incitive for us to enhance our skill in programming. I wish you the best of luck for this course.

It will be my pleasure

Hola mi querido amigo @alejos7ven, un gusto saludarte

Me encantó tu postulacion, eres una persona digna de admiración por tu arduo trabajo dentro de la plataforma de Steemit, me encanta tu propuesta, vamos a ver como me va como alumna, suelo ser muy aplicada en las clases, espero poder aprender bastante, Dios permita que seas seleccionado, tienes una temática bien interesante e importante en estos tiempos donde todo se maneja a través de la programación.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗

Será un placer tenerla en el curso amiga!! Gracias por el apoyo

Amigo lindo 😙

Llegó mi oportunidad de hacer mi pequeño curso de programación y será contigo jejejej .

Espero que quedes seleccionado y muchos usuarios puedan aprender suficiente de tus conocimientos querido amigo .

Saludos y muchos éxitos cariño .

Te espero en el concurso!!

Hola alee, sería muy interesante aprender un poco de programación y lo que haces.
Quiero ser una desarrolladora jr .

Éxitos en tu postulación.

Muchos éxitos amigo espero que su postulación sea aceptada y muchos usuarios se animen a aprender programación y tener más conocimientos, usted ha demostrado ser muy constante, entregado y disciplinado en la plataforma por su gran trabajo.

Gracias por tus lindas palabras y apoyo amigaa

What sort of assignment tasks will you be setting each week for people taking your course?

How will you verify and grade those assignment posts?


Thanks for your interest in the Basic programming course. To summarize each lesson you will have 4 tasks equivalent to 2.5 points each to add a total of 10 points. The tasks will be focused on practical exercises and research work that the contestants must carry out in their publications.

For example, let me give the tasks of week 1;

  • Week 1: Introduction to programming.
    Task 1. Describe in your own words an algorithm of some activity that you do on a daily basis.
    Task 2. What is the importance of Programming languages in the world? How they help us?
    Task 3. What do you need while programming?
    Task 4. Write your first "Hello world!" Using pseudo-code.

I will evaluate the publications according to the quality of the answers of each task in the following way:

  • Excellent (2.5 pts)
  • Good (1.5 pts)
  • Regular (0.5 pts)
  • Incorrect (0 pts)

Additionally, I will always mention how each participant could improve their response in each specific task, always prioritizing the effective learning of each one.

Of course each task will be more understandable after reading the lesson, so for this reason I have not included the tasks because I want to do it after writing the content to be able to create tasks affordable for everyone. Anyway, if you need to receive the tasks for all other lessons just let me know!

If you have any other doubt or suggestion don’t hesitate to let me know!

Write your first "Hello world!" Using pseudo-code. 🤔🤔

I believe newbie to programming like me will be given hints here

Wow I look forward to engaging in this strongly. I my self I'm learning artificial intelligence (Currently learning Python now) and also have and also have some idea on web development. I'm equally also a newcomer so I think this is really gonna be a good start for me.