SUMMARY Domain Steem with JavaScript: Lesson #1

in devwithseven •  3 months ago 


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The first week of this course ended, with a little low levels of participation, but a number that really doesn't surprise me because managing the Steem API can be a task that is not for everyone, and can require a rather remarkable learning curve. However, I think that the objective of this course is to record in the blockchain a detailed guide on how to use APIs so that in the future new programmers arrive and can find a complete course to enter this world.

Knowing that I will continue to give my best to create the best dynamic and entertaining lessons, but above all useful for programmers who want to start creating their applications. These were the participants of the last week:


And this week's winners are the following:

@kouba01Domain Steem with JavaScript: Lesson #1 - Introduction to Steem Blockchain and RPC Nodes
@ahumadaliliana29Dominio Steem con JavaScript: Lección n.° 1: Introducción a la cadena de bloques Steem y a los nodos RPC
@claritza42Dominio Steem con JavaScript: Lección n.° 1: Introducción a la cadena de bloques Steem y a los nodos RPC.
@daprado1999Domain Steem with JavaScript; Lesson #1 / Introduction to Steem Blockchain and RPC Nodes

Thank you for participating and I hope to see you continuously in the following lessons.

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Que honor el ser elegida entre las mejores participaciones de esta primera lección. Muy agradecida por este reconocimiento y espero seguir dando lo mejor de mi en las próximas 5 lecciones.
