DigiByte  -  A Community Driven Marketing Proposal

in dgb •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello all, and welcome to my first medium steemit post.

I’ve been thinking of starting an account here (Medium) to better manage my content and to better distribute it. I instead made a steemit account! I enjoy writing and promoting DigiByte. For those who know me from Reddit @xeno_biologist do not fret I am not leaving the SubReddit. Au contraire, I believe that Reddit and SubReddits are essential in forming and building communities. It is for this reason that I will double down my efforts there and continue to manage both the r/DigiByte SubReddit and the newly created r/DigiByteEspanol.

Moving on I am here to put forward a proposal. A plan of attack. One to push forward and make tangible how to better market DigiByte not only to crypto-enthusiasts but to the general public as well.

Addressing current matters: I’ve previously informed you Tom Cridland has been hired by CloakCoin. I will not pass judgement on this, even though I know some of you will not refrain from doing so. I do not intend to usurp any marketing which may be put forth by Mr. Cridland  -  I want to in fact compliment any content he may put out, as we all know he has let known that social media is not something he does, this is where we should focus. The only result I see possible from criticising would be the staining of the DigiByte brand and name. We must all work as professionals and realise our final goal: mass adoption and recognition. I want to make DigiByte a household name  - as Bitcoin is!

As I’ve previously stated my actions were not instigated by the foundation and for the time being I am not an official member  -  yet.

A Brief Introduction On Myself

As I mentioned many of you may know me from Reddit or Twitter. Now know me for who I am offline. I am a student currently working on a double bachelor’s degree, I have finished the first one in 2017 in Biology (Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology, and Physiology) I am currently working on finishing my second one this year 2018 in Chemistry. I will then be moving onto a master’s degree maybe something in molecular biology but my main interest is Synthetic Biology.

I was originally born and raised in Los Angeles and came to study in France at 20 for various reasons. One being the international opportunities available here in Europe and the chance to experience a new country. Also schooling is a bit cheaper here in France than in the US, but you have to learn the language!

On languages; they are a hobby of mine. My family speaks Spanish so I was naturally bilingual. I then learned French and Italian both of which I speak without accent. I’ve also learned some Russian but I would not feel comfortable marketing in this language. My other four languages could greatly help in marketing DigiByte to international communities!

My idendity is no secret and would like you to know that you can trust me. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn with my full name.

The Marketing Proposal

Doing this by myself will not be easy. It is for this reason that I will seek out a few motivated and active individuals whom I could trust and work with.

Marketing today has evolved, gone are the days of handing out flyers. Today things rely on analytics, statistics, and online, online, online. It is for this reason that I believe we must focus heavily on social media marketing. My plan has five parts!

PART I  -  Establishing A Marketing Brand

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Black and White is elegant and simple.

DigiByte has a great brand, an adorable name and impressive technology. I felt the need to take this brand and give it a flavour. Everyone knows the core team; everyone knows who they are and what they do. I want to claim a tiny slice of the DigiByte name. I feel we need to have an identifiable brand and presence. I was inspired and chose the name DigiByteWhite. I don’t want DigiByte1995 or some other unwieldy name. Something simple is most effective and memorable.

I want for people to be to see the name  -  DigiByteWhite  -  and know who we are.

It is for this reason I have claimed the username DigiByteWhite on twitter and instagram  -  there will be more to come. I will go on to claim this name across all platforms.

I have also gone ahead and created a logo with a corresponding banner. This is all preliminary work and will later seek the aid and advice of the DigiByte graphic designers.

PART II  -  Choosing Our Playing Fields

This part is essential, I have been listening and gathering comments of places where YOU want to see me active. Why am I so interested in your opinion? Because you represent the people. If you are present and enjoy platforms such as: Reddit, Discord, LinkedIn, there are probably many others who do as well. Many who might have never heard of DigiByte.

The biggest mistake I could make would be to believe I alone know where it is best to market. Some of you have mentioned the need to update and manage the DigiByte Discord and some want us to establish a presence on Quora, I will look into these platforms. For the time being I have assessed these following platforms as our main playing fields:


1. Twitter

Twitter is essential and extremely popular among cryptocurrency investors and others. I have a presence there in the form of a personal account @xeno_biologist and have now created one for our marketing team @DigiByteWhite. Please click the link follow, tweet at me and engage this will help the account grow.

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Here I plan to run tweet campaigns of many different kinds. To seek engagement and solicite responses from the cryptocurrency community as a whole. It was once said:

“People do not know what they want until you show it to them.”

  • Steve Jobs

DigiByte is what people want, let’s show it to them. It is the unfortunate truth but there are projects out there who have no working product and yet have billions in market cap all based on a simple white paper. DigiByte is MUCH more than that. We really should be in the top 10! DigiByte must be shown to people, and twitter is an ideal platform to get our brand into people minds.

I plan to do the following on twitter:

  • 1. Tweet campaigns stating facts about DigiByte.
  • 2. DigiByte give aways. Handled in the following way:
    These are important because they will eventually get us reactions such as this one: Want to say one thing.. WOW! .. how is this speed possible??
    I find it imperative to get DigiByte into as many hands as possible! Especially those who have never tried it. There are a few ways in which I will handle these give aways.
    • Random: Anyone who makes me laugh or just has a witty comment that deserves attention I will give some DigiByte to (10 DGB max). This is not wasted, do not fret! Getting attention on good comments and encouraging engagement is key to have people coming back to our brand and keeping us in their minds!
    • Meme Campaigns: I have one running at the moment here. Memes may seem childish to some but do not underestimate the power of the meme. Memes are popular today for a reason! They take minimal effort and make people smile. It is for this reason that they spread so much! I will hold meme campaigns from time to time with prizes in DGB for some lucky winners.
    • Tweet/Retweet/Follow/#TagUsage: These may become tiresome and is just an idea for the time being. But I thought it might be interesting to giveaway 1-10 DGB to new users for taking certain actions on Twitter. These actions could potentially get us to trend, and in front of more eyeballs!
  • 3. Polls: Asking questions seeking community engagement.
  • 4. Meme Campaigns: Where I myself will go out and create DigiMemes from time to time and tweet them out - I know we must be careful the last thing I would want would be to turn DGB into a joke. These kinds of memes are prime examples of what we need: @AlexBogdan96. You might have seen some of my recent creations; there are more to come.
  • 5. Discussions: I will actively tweet at companies and notable individuals seek their engagement and start a discussion!
  • 6. Ask me: If you want to see me do other things with the account then please feel free to ask.


2. Instagram

I will be honest, I am not an active user of Instagram. I will seek help to try and grow a following there. I have read some interesting statistics recently which convince me that Instagram is a great untapped platform that we must pursue.

It has been shown that in general those under the age of 20 neglect Facebook in favour of Instagram. Facebook has fallen out of fashion and there is an untapped market on Instagram. We may reach them with some effort. Moreover, it has been shown that of those who invest in cryptocurrencies most are between the ages of 20 and 35. This reinforces the idea that Instagram contains a virgin market.

Why must we target those under 20? Some of you may argue that they don’t have any money to invest at such a young age? Well because they do actually! Some of them do anyway  - university students invest loans in cryptocurrencies. Not only would we be targeting university students but those in highschool.

Do not fret I will not be employing any scummy marketing tactics. I simply want them to know our brand and recognise our name. When they get older they could go on to invest in us if they want.


3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an important medium. A professional space to nurture professional relations. This is an ideal place to establish the DigiByte name. A footing there would allow us to communicate with other companies and foster relationships which could eventually lead to partnerships. We need more partnerships.

I will leave this account open to the DigiByte core team but will actively manage any images, banners, or content that goes on there. Partnerships and technical details should be handled by developers. I cannot pretend to know how certain technical aspects of DigiByte code work and would not want to do so. I will only encourage and seek potential clients/partners then hand off the account to an appropriate team member.


4. MediumSteemit/Website

Medium is a nice space. It’s clean, professional and most of all easy to use. I know that many of you had never heard of Medium before crypto. But I would encourage you to support me here on this account and distribute my content. Well seems they have a filter bot and have auto blocked my account, I will work on getting it back up, but steemit is a nice platform too! We could stay here!!

I will continue posting here for the time being, but will still seek a space on the DigiByte website. If I find support on the DigiByte website I will then port all of my work there. In my opinion DigiByte NEEDS a dedicated blog. To spread information, public service anouncements, put out news et cetera. However, this completely depends on whether or not the DigiByte foundation is willing to give me this space.

I wish to put out the following content.

  • Guides: How to safetly store your DigiBytes, how to sign and verify transactions, how to integrate Digi-ID into your website et cetera. You’ve seen some of them, you know they are useful.
  • Vulgarisation: How does DigiByte work? This is important, the vast majority of people cannot read code! These people need us in between to bridge developers to the public. I understand programming and want to take the time and explain it. It is with such articles (An Introduction To DigiByte I will work on translating this one to Spanish - also putting out a bigger, better, higher quality document - similar to the style of Josiah's Venezuela document in graphic design - this to better explain DGB and work as a sort of 'white paper') that we will convince new investors to pull the trigger.
  • News: Any noteworthy DigiByte related news, I will post about.
  • More to Come: The possibilities are endless and I will seek more inspiration from anywhere to put out as much content as I can.

Why are these aritcles so important in my opinion? What do you do when you want to look up information? Google right? What does Google do? It searches through text on millions of websites. If the SEO (search engine optomisation) is handled correctly we will be up in those top results. Not only when people type Digibyte but also, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Cryptocurrency! I would like to seek professional help on this at some point and will investigate further to see if I cannot do it myself.


5. YouTube

This is an interesting space. FULL of crypto enthusiast with webcams. I am willing to establish a presence here. I will seek the aid of Patrick Wieland. Hopefully he could give me some pointers if this is a route you all want us to take.

I know there is a DigiByte channel already present there. Know that the DigiByte foundation itself handles that account and the content on it. I remind you, this marketing campaign is independant and driven by you  -  the community.

I will, actively seek youtube channels which might be interested in interviewing either I or someone else from the community. A prime candidate being Josiah. This is something I could easily do. Also as a polyglot I could potentially market DigiByte to multiple markets, at least English, French, Spanish, and Italian.


6. Quora

This one is just simple. A platform for asking questions and getting answers. I will establish a presence here as well and seek to put out information on DigiByte.

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7. Telegram We Have One

A simple space to coordinate movement and marketing specifically for social media. It is handled by me and can be found here:

DigiByte Community Marketing


Growth is an important factor to any social media following. I know that it will not be easy in the beginning, but I need you to follow me, engage and spread these accounts. The more people we have the more value. After a certain point other social media noteworthy persons will want to interact with us because of our large following. I will not demand payment nor any other form of remuneration, all I will ask is they tweet/post/etc. about DigiByte and or wear some kind of branded clothing. Simply to inform their followers of our brand!

A Comment On Growing Social Media Presence
I will NOT in any way purchase ads. This is a waste of time, a waste of money, in many cases banned (facebook/twitter), and often even has a negative effect of social media growth. Check out this short informational video by Veritasium.

PART III  - Optimisation

As I stated before we live in a world of data. I will seek to first grow our following, solicite engagement and then optimise. As a scientist and methodical worker this is the best course of action in my humble opinion.

I don’t know how readily avalible data from places like Facebook, Google, Twitter and Instagram is. I know that in many cases they offer some data for free I will use these to our advantage. But once we have the ball moving I will seek to possibly purchase data for analysis. Let me know if you all would be interested in this. This marketing campaign is for the people and you should be ok with everything we do here.

Rinse and Repeat as Necessary.

PART IV  - Outside of Social Media

Outside of social media I would like to run certain projects which could help promote DigiByte. They are the following:


Some schools have Bitcoin clubs, many have no sort of crypto clubs. We could encourage growth among young bright minds by donating to groups of university students who might seek to establish a DigiByte Club! We would have to seek out these groups and then encourage them to build something! Thus, a donation would be merited.

Stickers/Stencils/Envelopes DGB Branded Goods

I think we could seek to produce simple and cheap DigiByte branded goods. Cost would have to be assessed and distribution would be handled by me. I will post more details on this plan at a later date if we wish to proceed with such an action. Maybe even create some colourised hardware wallets. I’m sure you’ve all seen those colourised iPhones.

Lottery (Smart Contract)

This is an important point I’ve been wanting to address for a long time and may be a controversial one. In many cases it is extremely difficult to get people to donate to anything. Even the DigiByte foundation itself. I want to make something that people want. I can’t get everyone in the world to buy DGB stickers, nor to buy shirts et cetera. This is extremely difficult to do. It is for this reason that I think it would be interesting to build a lottery.


I want to emphasise the fact that if this were to be built we would use a smart contract to handle the terms! I want for people to know for a fact that the lottery is not skewed or biased by humans.

I think that people would be willing to contribute to marketing, the foundation and other philanthropic funds if they knew that they could get something in return. If this were to be built I would want distribution to be handled in the following way. 15% of funds would go to the DigiByte Foundation, 15% to our Community Social Media Marketing Fund i.e. DigiByteWhite, 10% would carry over into the next lottery and the rest 60% would be won by one lucky individual.

On The Lottery

I think I would post on an OFFICIAL DigiByte website for the lottery! DO NOT SEND FUNDS TO ADDRESSES ON MEDIUM, TWITTER, OR ELSEWHERE. I will use this account on steemit and only this account until further notice! Account name @xenobiologist!

I want to make this as transparent as possible and demonstrate that the lottery is not 100% for individual benefit but that at least 30% gets donated to DigiByte betterment. I want to distance this as far as possible from those Twitter bots asking for ETH. Donating to such an address would be seen and branded as a sort of philanthropy with a game built in.

The legalities of this set up would have to be assessed and I will report back to you at an appropriate date.

Paper Wallets

Our Venezuela Proposal by Josiah is up and in full swing! I want to compliment this campaign and contribute to helping adoption in developing countries by making and printing paper wallets  - en masse.

What would these paper wallets do? For one include translated instructions on how to sweep funds into a DigiWallet (hopefully we’ll see a release soon). And get DigiByte into places which might be unreachable!

I would want to send them for FREE to random or soliciting physical addresses in developping countries  -  notably Venezuela. I’ve spoken with developers and an expiration date could be placed on the paper wallets so as to avoid burned/lost coins. This mechanism would allow the receiver of the paper wallet to sweep the funds until an expiration date which would be indicated on the paper wallet.

I know that I have not mentioned many ideas for getting DigiByte adopted in the real world/offline, but I have many! I am holding them back to mention at a later date. I am waiting to see what Mr. Cridland eventually puts out (he should be reaching out to us as was mentioned in the telegram chat), to compliment his work. If nothing comes I will come back at a later date and make a new post to get this moving.

PART V - Funding


As you might have noticed most of the ideas I put forth require no amount of money. They do however require time and effort which I am willing to put in. Other ideas on this list require some money. Especially for the DigiByte give aways and paper wallets. I cannot demand you donate but can simply ask you help support our cause.

How can you trust me? I’ve been with DigiByte for a long while now. Many of you have seen me on reddit as @xeno_biologist others on twitter. Moreover, many of you even know my real name and where in the world I live. I have never hidden this.

I sat through a bear market! I will definitely will not abandon DigiByte the moment we enter a bull market. I am with you all as an investor! I have skin in the game, and skin I put there myself. I was not hired, and the only people to which I wish to answer are you the community. I ask you help me.

I will set up various different address to which you could donate. Any small amount you can contribute helps. If you cannot contribute financially and you have a skill set which might be useful please come forward. I’m calling all graphic designers, programers and others!

Some of you feel had by Tom Cridland, I do not want sentiment to develop with my person. I wish to approach this in the following way. Micro-funds, that can be tracked so that you can see the results! I will not create a general fund. I want you to be able to clearly see that X fund went for Y action and it was completed.

For the time being I will set up the following funds:

DigiByte Give Away Fund


All of the funds donated to this address will be used for give aways and nothing more. I will set up a seperate account on a Ledger Nano S so that the funds cannot be confused with another. Know that the moment I send funds from this address to a person in the wild the funds will be moved to another address this is the nature of the Ledger Wallet. If I am mistaken and it is possible to have funds sent only from a specific address please let me know.

I will not change this address and will leave it here forever, this way you can see how much has been donated to this fund total. It will be shown on the DigiExplorer as total received, and total sent. Look for the total received.

Writer’s Fund


As I mentioned before I want to put out more written content about DigiByte. I will not only be writing content myself, but will seek out community members who might want to write. I will compensate them with DigiByte at around 10–20$ per article. I will be acting as editor in this case.

If you are a writer please do not hesitate to contact me.

The same system as above would be implemented. A seperate account on a Ledger Nano S watch out for the total received as funds may be moved when payment to writers is done.

A Salary


I am a student and you know who I am! I work to fund my studies but as of late will be taking a leave from teaching/tutoring to study for exams, prepare masters applications and to dedicate more time to you, and to the DigiByteWhite Marketing Team! I do not expect you to send me large amounts of DigiByte, but if you feel the need to contribute in paying for my education and schooling please donate. This would allow me to dedicate less time to trying to earn money to pay for school and more to promoting DigiByte.

You know my style of writing, I hope you like it  -  know that I don’t like to spew conjecture unless I explicitly mark it so. I am a scientist by trade and keep things based in facts. With DGB we have the facts on our side we just have to get the information out there.

I am not hired, I am willing to put in the work firstly because I am invested myself and secondly because I strongly believe in DigiByte. I will not ask for payment up front  -  as was done before with Tom. I will work and you decide how much you think I'm worth. Tom was given approximately 300 000 DGB ($20k at the time) I will probably be cheaper than this, and more effective - with no offence meant to Tom; so please consider donating to my fund. You’ve seen what I can do, and I leave it up to you to determine my salary and even if you believe I deserve one.

Moreover, know that I will take 5% (in dollar value) of my salary and reinvest it back into DigiByteWhite marketing at the end of every month. I will stick with this for the long term and I am willing to invest into this marketing campaign myself!

Future Funds

If future funds are necessary, for the creation/funding of paper wallets for example, I will set those funds up at the appropriate times.

In Conclusion

DigiByte is going to the moon! I will make sure of it, and will work for it. I hope I can count with your support! Know that an investment in the DigiByte Foundation or the DigiByteWhite Marketing team will not go unnoticed and will greatly contribute to further development of DigiByte and DigiByte marketing.

Hard work and persistence is what will get DigiByte noticed. I thank you for your support and hope to be useful!

Best Regards
Dereck de Mézquita

Contact me @

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