I love visiting my dad. He has type 2 diabetes. The kids and I make a day of it. We pretty much announce to the world we're going then sing and laugh the whole way to Mesa where grandpa lives. I started cooking for my dad when I was 11. We didn't have a mom and growing up I took on the role of filling some of my mom's empty space. My sister filled in the rest.
For the past few years I've been really upping my cooking skills. I watch Chopped and other cooking shows for 2 years straight. My dad has type 2 diabetes so I'm not looking to learn how to cook unhealthy, although I like Paula Dean-ing it up here and there. Lately, I've been on a raw cabbage kick. It's the only thing I've found that works with what ever diabetic person needs to keep in their daily diet - Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg's, only Bragg's).
According to AuthorityNutrition.com Apple Cider Vinegar lowers blood sugar levels and fights diabetes. When I worked at Wholefoods some of the doctors, nurses, and ladies in Red Hats, swore by Apple Cider Vinegar. When I'd tell them about how my grandma died due to complications related to her Type 2 diabetes they suggested I start integrating Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar in to my diet as soon as possible.
Over the years I've tried everything. When I suffered from gastational diabetes while I was pregnant with my second child I would drink what I called "creation." It was a tea concoction consisting of chamomile tea, apple cider vinegar, lemon, chilli powder, and raw honey. I never had to take insulin.
Yesterday before we went to grandpa's house, we stopped by the store. I bought 1 green cabbage, 1 red cabbage, 1 lemon, 2 avocados, sunflower seeds, toasted sesame seeds, and Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. When I got home I sliced the cabbage thinly (that is crucial). The thinner the cabbage the easier it is to eat. I cubed the avocados. A generous amount of sunflower seeds and sesame seeds were added. The lemon was squeezed fully. Salt and pepper was dashed atop the lemon juice before the apple cider vinegar made an appearance. Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar is enough, but more is nice too. Then I served to my dad.
Last week I thinly sliced part of a sweet onion. Maybe I'll do that again next week. My goal is to make variations of this salad until it is a part of our regular meals. Until we can eat and say, "where's the cabbage salad?" in a loving way when I don't make it. I am this salad. When you think of me I want you to picture this salad. Haha... diabetes you won't catch me.... hopefully. Wish me luck!!