Several people have asked me to write this blog after watching me change so much in the last 5 months. With Type 2 diabetes, I'd had years of injecting insulin 5 times a day, and then I made a mental switch in my head, I re-educated my body, my tastebuds, and my husband. I'm now insulin free.
I’d decided to make my own diet, my own lifestyle - then close friends asked for the details of what I’d done to myself - because they wanted the same result– and they are not diabetic! Several remarked on how much my appearance had changed - that didn't really bother me; for me it mattered more that my energy had changed.
I’m not peddling any magic snake-oil treatments, just sharing what I did and how I stopped taking insulin. Yes there’s a diet, but there's also a state of mind. You can read a zillion diets, but it you don’t have the right attitude, it ain’t gonna happen. I thought by passing on my experiences to make it happen, might help others.
Ok, just remember - my DNA is not your DNA, so what I did, the changes I made may not have the same affect on you. And depending on how diabetic you are, then you may have to get a doc’s OK, to go ahead with this. I didn’t - but that’s me, I was desperate to stop the insulin shots.
Actually the big switch came when I had so many callouses on my fingertips, and they were so painful from all the pricking, I broke down in utter despair and decided I couldn’t go on living to being a slave to diabetes and had to do something.
So… yes, I have done the reversal diet, twice in fact, but it didn’t stick - so what was different this time? Everything - and I reckon by sharing my days, my thoughts and my feelings might help a few others to Switch Off Diabetes – I’m giving you a hint here – it’s an On or Off mentality…but more about that later
Where am I coming from?
Diabetic , type 2 for 6 years. Glucose pin-prick readings anything between 14 – 29. HbA1c? 96. Off the scale. I couldn’t understand it. I was eating healthy - salads, vegetables, no alcohol – I mean what? WHAT? Was making my diabetes so bad? I was injecting slow- acting insulin twice daily and fast-acting insulin three times before food. So I wasn’t in a good place.
Where we’ll be going...
- I’m going to start off the blog with how to get your head in the right place to Switch Off Diabetes. This isn’t a quick fix reversal diet, this is switching off for the rest of your life. It’s not as hard as you think when you get the details.
- Then a broad outline of the diet - followed by how to get through the first three days and the first three weeks
- A discussion about how liquids fit into the lifestyle, and introducing new tastes.