In case you've missed it, Facebook recently underwent a logo change.
Facebook, is now FACEBOOK. The new logo is made with the purpose that it will differentiate it as a parent company from main apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more.
In a statement, Facebook revealed that the "new branding was designed for clarity, and uses custom typography and capitalization to create a visual distinction between the company and app."
Most of the world, especially Gen-Z, however seems to have reached the consensus that the new LOGO appears to be the equivalent of SHOUTING in Internet culture. All-caps is getting mostly a downvote.
Not just Gen-Z, the new FACEBOOK logo was also mocked by Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey in a tweet.
Twitter, the micro-blogging platform known for its 140 characters (now 280), managed to do throw shade, in just three words, or 69 characters.
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