It's becoming more difficult to treat diabetes in the modern world. In recent years, medical and technology advancements, notably those involving the Internet, have begun to provide the 18.2 million Americans who are plagued by this disease the kind of freedom that few people could have dreamed of not long before.
Diabetes is a long-term disorder in which the body fails to make or properly utilise insulin, a hormone that aids in the conversion of sugar into energy. As the nation's fifth greatest cause of death by disease, diabetes can create difficulties of the eyes, blood vessels, nerves, kidneys, and other organs over time, patients would appreciate anything that would make the daily routine of insulin injections and other such procedures easier.
That's exactly what's happening, according to researchers at the Mayo Clinic. Insulin patches and inhalants, for example, are being considered by the Food and Drug Administration as alternatives to insulin injections. Currently, breakthroughs in blood glucose monitoring are being developed that would allow for continuous testing throughout the day.
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