Day 939 or something before going back to Switzerland

in diaries •  6 years ago 

940 > 939 > 938

Too many fuckeries today to list them. But Yoga Day, fortunately.

I went back home after Yoga and a double-chicken-double-egg roll for lunch.

So about this Yoga, let's talk a bit about it.

Everyone is saying it makes you feel good.

For me it makes me feel good when it's over and again for 5 min after I start driving to the roll place.

Then I start to become angry.

It's like some negative stuff attached to my muscles have been detached and needs to go out.

The good things they're talking about Yoga, is it this?

I was not sure, so I searched on the Internet and found an answer.

On Reddit.

The key is the hips.

All our emotions are stored there.

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