Dietitians will never buy "edible oil", you also think is the most healthy edible oil?

in dietitians •  7 years ago 


As the saying goes, "open the door seven things, rice wine tea sauce tea." Three meals a day cooking can not do without oil, oil is undoubtedly the most important diet. More common are peanut oil, soybean oil, olive oil, sesame oil and so on. Edible oil will not only add flavor to the dishes, but also provide the energy needed by the human body, essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and phospholipids. Such as fat is an important source of energy in the human body, in the process of human growth and metabolism, fat generated by the heat, the body is one of the basic physiological activities of the basis of fat-soluble vitamins is also indispensable to the human body. But some of the claims are "the most suitable for the human body to reconcile the oil" is really healthy edible oil?

Uncover the "mysterious veil"

On the reconciliation of the nutritional value of oil, a lot of people from a brand of oil and television advertising to understand, the so-called 1: 1: 1, refers to what? 1: 1: 1 refers to the proportion of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the oil, which is the proportion of fatty acids recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society. But the reconciliation of oil is not a national standard, which the proportion of hungry fatty acids in the end is how much we can not know, can only eat people. There are many kinds of oil on the market, including peanut oil, camellia oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, sesame oil, walnut oil and so on, some even expensive. Harmony oil market share is very large, but very few consumers really understand the reconciliation of oil. Especially for some of the higher price of blending oil, follow the trend to buy. But some of the higher prices of peanuts to reconcile the oil, the actual only contains a small amount of peanut oil. There is little to reconcile the oil brand on the label marked with a variety of oil formulations ratio. Packaging only marked the soybean oil, peanut oil and other types of oil, which kind of oil contains the proportion of how it will not make a detailed description. Edible tone oil market there are confusion concept, free title, shoddy and other issues, to reconcile the oil composition and the proportion of fuzzy standards. A lot of blending oil although the price is not low, but mixed with low-cost oil to shoddy, to the consumer's food safety risks.

Scientific choice of edible oil

Soybean oil contains more linolenic acid, easy to oxidize the deterioration, taste comfort than peanut oil, sunflower oil, but a good proportion of fatty acids, and linoleic acid content is rich, can effectively reduce serum cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease. Soybean oil is best used for low temperature cooking, such as soup, stew and tune stuffing, etc., should not be a long time high temperature cooking fried food.

Peanut oil color clear and transparent, fragrant and delicious taste. Peanut oil also contains phospholipids, sterols, vitamin E, wheatgrass, choline and other ingredients that are very beneficial to human health. Eat peanut oil, not only can protect the blood vessel wall, prevent thrombosis, prevent cardiovascular disease, but also improve memory, delay brain function decline is very beneficial to human health, peanut oil stability is good, is the daily cooking of Jiapin.

Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, strong antioxidant capacity, high digestion and absorption rate, which is rich in oleic acid to promote gastrointestinal contraction, relieve constipation and other important physiological functions. It is best not to purchase small workshop production of bulk oil, so as not to endanger human health.

Edible oil storage method

Edible oil as far as possible to buy a small package, the exchange of edible oil. Large packaging Open the lid of the edible oil to place the longer, the more easily broken. We are accustomed to the edible oil directly into the stove next to facilitate the use, but do not know the temperature will accelerate the oxidation of oil, if long-term consumption of oxidized vegetable oil, will cause the body must be fatty acids, prone to atherosclerosis, causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Procurement back to the edible oil into the cupboard, dark storage. To avoid the metal container, because the metal ions can accelerate the decomposition of hydroperoxide, and promote the activation of oxygen into singlet oxygen and free radicals, so edible oil should be sealed.

Scientific cooking is essential

Scientific oil is related to the health of the whole family, in addition to the right to buy and keep good cooking oil, scientific cooking methods indispensable. Strict control of the amount of edible oil, scientific diet. Peanut oil, soybean oil, olive oil daily intake of about 40 grams can be, if the body intake of fat too much, may induce obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and so on.

Changing the cooking method is one of the most direct ways to reduce the intake of cooking oil. Cooking as little as possible with the way of stir-fried, do not wait for the oil in the pot and then stir fry the food, the oil when the high temperature cooking fumes, containing a large number of oxidative decomposition products and carcinogenic substances. The fried, fried and other high cooking methods to change the cooking, steaming, mixing and other less cooking methods, more conducive to health.

Edible oil not only to learn rational choice, but also with a scientific way to cook cooking. Good eating habits and lifestyle, for the family health escort.

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