The difference between your destructive and constructive inner voices is vast, and learning to recognize them will improve your life. The positive voice is a moral guide, and it tells you to pursue a goal. But the destructive voice is destructive, and it will set you up for failure. Your self-esteem is affected by the way you perceive the world. The negative voice is a limiting force that can keep you from moving forward.
Your destructive inner voice is the nagging, critical voice that tells you that you are not good enough. It judges you for not living up to your expectations, and even if you do, you are in danger. Your internal critic explains every situation to you in pessimistic and alarming terms, and you respond to its negative opinions by taking action. While this inner voice is helpful in providing a constructive critique of your actions, it will lead to more misery than positive ones.
In contrast, your constructive and destructive inner voices encourage you to live up to your highest potential. The constructive and destructive inner voices are a reflection of your highest self. These voices inspire you to pursue your goals, but when you allow them to override your judgments, they can actually make them even worse. So it's important to identify the destructive voice, and to consciously resist it.
The critical inner voice is usually hidden among more realistic, objective reactions and views. That's why it's hard to distinguish between the two. Its underlying message focuses on your shortcomings and discourages you. Moreover, it makes you feel depressed and even irritable, which leads to self-hatred and negative behaviors. Instead, it's best to put your thoughts in the second person and focus on the constructive ones.
The critical inner voice is the most dangerous of the two. Its harsh words and harsh criticisms often result in self-destructive actions. The negative voice is a false reflection of your true self. So, it's best to ignore it and make it disappear. This will free you from its destructive influence. It will also stop judging you. If you are able to separate your constructive and destructive inner voice, you will find it much easier to deal with your feelings of self-hate.
You can distinguish your constructive and destructive inner voices by identifying which one is causing you negative feelings. The negative voice is the one that makes you feel bad and discouraged. Its role is to make you feel miserable. The constructive voice is the one that encourages you to take actions that you want. The destructive voice is the one that holds you back.