Hello Jerome,
You pose interesting questions, but it has never been a secret who is behind DigiByte awareness. It is I - Dereck de Mézquita.
In fact I've been very open about the project since the beginning. If you look at my profile you can find there my very first post about promoting DGB. I started with DigiByte White Marketing which evolved into DigiByte Awareness Team as I had people join me.
As for team mates, we're all volunteers so no one get's paid - although I have paid for some things but from my own pocket. We try to be frugal and efficient with funds. I can tell you more about this if you wish.
We moved to medium recently but it's not a good fit so we're working on our own platform. Here's our medium page with a bit more information:
DigiByte Awareness Team - Medium
If you'd like we can make this more interesting and have an interview which you could write about. I'd be happy to answer all of your questions and more. We could do video, and or written?
Let me know please. Feel free to contact me, the easiest way to do so would be through my twitter page: @DigiByteWhite.
We are currently very young and just starting to get serious movement going, working on a webpage dedicated to promoting DGB, will be managed by myself, and team members.
We've recently been doing interviews on some prominent crypto youtube channels. You can find them on our youtube page here in our interview playlist:
You'll get some answers to your questions in those videos as we explain our efforts.
Thank you for your interest, hope to hear from you.