[:zh]ColorSnapper2 1.5 for Mac 破解版 - 强大的屏幕取色工具[:en]ColorSnapper2 1.5 for Mac Crack - Powerful screen picking tools[:]

in digit77-com •  7 years ago 

[:zh]## 介绍 | Description

ColorSnapper是一款Mac上强大易用的屏幕取色工具,今天和大家分享最新的 ColorSnapper2 1.5.0 版本,除了快速取色外,具有数十种颜色模式,比如可以直接复制为iOS代码的颜色值、浏览器的颜色值等,大大节省转换的时间,非常方便,很好用!
[ColorSnapper 2 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]

ColorSnapper2 is the OS X color picker app for designers and developers which makes it easy to collect, adjust, organize, and export colors of any pixel of the screen. It is activated via a system-wide hotkey, giving you a magnifying glass to easily pick any pixel you need, even from retina displays. The resulting color is copied to the clipboard in a format of your preference.

截图 | Screenshot



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