Announcing The Global Availability Of “Digital Transformation: Evolving a Digitally Enabled Nigerian Public Service”

in digital •  9 years ago  (edited)

August 25, 2016. Announcing the global availability of Jacob Edo’s book “Digital Transformation: Evolving a Digitally Enabled Nigerian Public Service. This book was created to share Edo’s insights about the current economic, educational and medical situation in Nigeria, his homeland. DigitalTransformation will open the eyes of the public especially professionals young and old to the rampant problems in the country and will encourage readers to join in moving into the future of a better and stronger Nigerian economy that will curb illiteracy, ignorance and disease.

It is available through Amazon portal:

A few words from Jacobs Edo, for his book “Digital Transformation: Evolving a Digitally Enabled Nigerian Public Service”: “Ending poverty is a big and complex challenge indeed. It has many causes, and there is certainly no silver bullet or single solution, but this complexity is solvable.”

Governments in developing countries today are grappling with a myriad challenge of governing in very demanding times. Fewer budgetary resources, legacy overhead from longstanding institutional inefficiencies, limited access to training resources, a more demanding public now enamoured to the always on, online real-time access to services and information. All these factors have worked to exacerbate this situation. As a result, the challenges of governance in a developing environment in transition, has never been so great.

In all this turmoil, government officials are generally aware that there exist several systems and automated alternatives that specifically address a these challenges, in a cost effective and performance manner, but don't have accurate but accessible information about what specific solutions are available, how the various technology solutions address these type of burgeoning needs or what the best practice approaches are towards implementing these digital transformations.

This book is written to bridge this knowledge gap and provide clear answers to the reader looking for answers. It is written in a clear but detailed manner, so as to provide a guide towards understanding the technology solution concepts, the specific scenarios where they can be applied especially in the context of developing environments, and the best approaches to be taken towards implementing such solutions while being aware of critical issues impacting execution. It would serve as a long-term solution reference that is relevant at all stages of moving government forward through a digital transformation effort.

The final goal is to empower governments of developing countries like Nigeria with the knowledge and tools required to provide sustainable long-term solutions for and to the benefit of their people.

For more information about the book’s Amazon visit:

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