Digital Hippies - sustainable and cheap living paired with digital development

in digitalhippies •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello all, just trying to get some realistic feedback about a dream of mine.

When we think about modern digital developement, it seems that small groups of developers, primarily in digital games and app development can be quite successful with a bit of luck involved.

What I mean with that, is searching for some folks which are willing to live abroad in a fairly cheap and ideally a warm place in a sustainable kind of way. That implicates stuff like planting crops to some extend and building up a place of peace and harmony for the community but at the same time working together collectively on digital projects to get a proper cash flow, at least after a while.

The advantages I see in this are lower costs of living compared to living in the big cities, as well as living in a community with shared goals where everybody can feel save and welcome.

This probably does sound quite funny to you now, but there are people that seem to be made for this kind of living and come along with others very well in a relaxed setting like the imagined one.

And of course, there has to be an infrastructure of some sort, so it would not be in the middle of a jungle or something, but just a bit more quiet and peaceful than in the bigger urban areas.

Lets say, I'm decently skilled with a variety of programs and want to realize this plan. Is this way off reality or do you think this plan has potential?

I'm interested in your thoughts about this and am open for other job opportunities that come to your mind, if the masterplan keeps at least some of its idealistic meaning.

This is really something I would live to do, but at the same time it sounds very much like a utopia.

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