Being a blogger now entails not only generating high-quality content, but also implementing best SEO practises, adding extra value and a social touch, and doing a variety of other responsibilities. As all bloggers have lately discovered following the Google Penguin upgrade. The significance of SEO has increased.
It's clear that we need to shift our perspective on SEO. Why not take a page from the one website that ranks first for practically all searches? That's right, you guessed it. Wikipedia is the world's largest online encyclopaedia. Whenever you need to brush up on your vocabulary. The place to go is Wikipedia.
Without a sure, Wiki SEO is out of the box, and they pay close attention to every aspect of the site's SEO structure.Wikipedia is an excellent case study for us (bloggers and SEOs) to learn and comprehend what an efficient SEO is.
Wikipedia maintains its online quality in a variety of methods. However, it does not employ any'secret' SEO techniques that are difficult to decipher.
I've compiled a list of WikiPedia's SEO tactics that help it rank higher.
When properly implemented on your site, these strategies will improve your search engine rankings.Factors that influence Wikipedia's ranking
Before we go into the secret of Wikipedia ranking, one thing to bear in mind is the quality of their information. Many sites have attempted to mimic their method in the past, but Wiki pages' high-quality material has consistently outranked the competition.
Other variables such as site SEO, speed, and OnPage SEO, in addition to high-quality content, contributed to Wikipedia's great rating.
If you're a fan of Wikipedia, you're probably aware that it's the largest content linker. From its single page, it links to about 500-600 other Wikipedia entries. So that none of its articles are ever discarded.You're probably aware that Wikipedia includes links to its category pages and tags.
It also contains links to its Wikimedia image and other materials. That is why Wikipedia's articles are never placed third or fourth in any of them.
It is based on the principle that if you want others to promote your material, you must first promote it. This has a direct impact on the Wiki's reduced bounce rate and improved user experience. Aren't you convinced?
You can use WordPress Smart Link for automatic internal linking if you're using WordPress. As many links as you can, but make sure they're relevant and valuable.Any links on your webpage are your responsibility as a Blogger user. This could be done in the form of a guest article or by leaving a remark.
Since unrelated links are a terrible SEO example, make sure any link you add to your website (through comment, guest post, or any other method) is beneficial and adds value.
Wikipedia's major goal is to remain informative and to deliver accurate and valuable content. All other websites and blogs on the internet that believe the same way will always succeed.