in digitalticks •  7 years ago 

 A couple of years ago, only a small part of people knew about the Blockchain technology, now this technology is actively developing and hundreds of thousands of people learn about it daily. Moreover, large companies are taking full advantage of blockchain technology to increase reliability, security and transparency in all their processes. In addition to the dynamic growth in the masses, the crypto-currency market due to its fluctuations attracts a huge number of traders who are constantly in search of the most versatile tools with which to conduct effective trading. But this is not all there are a number of problems that exist at the current time in the crypto-currency world. 

 Problems of cryptocurrency

One of the most popular problems of the cryptocurrency market is the lack of liquidity. Many traders are very concerned about the factor that a very small number of people buy or sell cryptocurrencies, which in turn leads to a weak intensity in the market. In addition, in the world of crypto-currencies, customer service is very lame. Often the user takes a very long time any process associated with the Deposit or withdrawal. The third and most popular problem of cryptocurrencies is the topic of security of funds, or rather their vulnerability to hacker attacks.Against the background of this situation, a team of specialists has developed a special platform Digital Ticks Exchange (DTX). Let's take a look at what this platform is and what benefits it aims to provide? 

 About the Project and its prospects 

 The Digital Ticks Exchange platform was developed specifically for cryptocurrency market traders. The main objective of DTX is to serve a variety of commodity and cryptocurrency assets. This platform is designed to provide all the necessary tools for both a beginner and an experienced trader. So that in turn they can safely solve all their issues without any hacks and DDoS attacks. In addition, Digital Ticks has such reliable technologies, with which the platform can cope with any volatility of the cryptocurrency market. What I think is very important, as he often engaged in trading and know what it is. Therefore, in order to ensure constant liquidity in the market, Digital Ticks plans to use special market markers. But that's not all. Digital Ticks knows how valuable every minute is for the trader, so to serve their customers quickly and avoid any downtime while providing high-speed data processing. And DTX, will create a special team of specialists, which will deal with all these issues. In fact, there are a lot of advantages of Digital Ticks, you can get acquainted with them on your own, having deepened into the study of technical documentation. And the features of trading on DTX platform include the following positive elements:

  • user-friendly interface, with which any trader, in one click, will be able to view all the necessary information;
  • Digital Ticks will give you all the tools that a trader it will be comfortable to handle trade cryptocurrencies. For this purpose, DTC represents OCO trading;
  • also, for all users of the platform, a unique referral program will be available, thanks to which the trader can use mainly low Commission;
  • Digital Ticks will charge a minimum fee for various transactions and is expected to be only 0.1%.

Overview of token-ICO 


Features and what they mean:

  • Crypto - Crypto Currency Pair - This one's pretty straight forward, it will offer what typical crypto exchanges offer, which is crypto to crypto pairings: nothing to see here. 
  • Commodity - Crypto Pair  - Probably the difference maker for the exchange.   Will Support BTC,  ETH,  LTC,  NEO, DTX,  Gold, and  Silver right away.  It doesn't really describe in the white paper what will be involved with trading commodities specifically which would have been a nice inclusion, but  I'm sure specifics will become more clear moving closer to beta.
  • Spot Trading  - Only trading cryptocurrency, I actually had to look this up, since this isn't a common term for me.  "A spot trade is the purchase or sale of a foreign currency, financial instrument or commodity for immediate delivery. Most spot contracts include physical delivery of the currency, commodity or instrument; the difference in price of a future or forward contract versus a spot contract takes into account the time value of the payment, based on interest rates and time to maturity"  - Investopedia.com  This might be an answer to how the Commodity-Crypto pair works from above. This will be updated once I confirm or deny this information. 
  • Futures  -  Futures prices are an agreement between a buyer and a seller to exchange goods at a future date.  In Crypto this can be for any future price of a token or things such as forks that aren't even in existence yet until a future block is mined.  Futures trading is used quite often by Wall Street Hedge fund managers, and will bring a different type of liquidity as compared to everyday crypto  or gold traders.

 Security specific Features 


  • Decentralized On-Chain Exchange - Blockchain verification for data, security, etc.  This one is a no brainer. 
  • Cold Storage -  "Cold storage in the context of Bitcoin refers to keeping a reserve of Bitcoins offline. This is often a necessary security precaution, especially dealing with large amounts of Bitcoin. " -Digital Ticks Whitepaper  This is really cool, and something I would want to see with all exchanges going forward.   It's just the smart thing to do, even if at times it leads to an hour or two of not having access to funds.   Security of funds is such a big issue because most people leave far too great amounts on an exchange where it is at risk or end up trying to manage their wallet themselves without a cold wallet and end up being at more risk.  This may be a perfect solution that will protect *most* funds from a large scale attack. 
  • Multi-sig wallet, 2FA Authentication, DDoS protection - all pretty standard features of larger exchanges in 2018, but it's nice to see they will be there out of the box. 

 Trading specific features - 


  • One Million TPS -  You read that right, one million transactions per second will be possible with this project.  Really cool considering their roadmap is predicting over 1000 trading pairs  (wow, wouldn't that be cool? lol)  One of my biggest gripes with some of the larger cryptocurrency exchanges is just the general lag during bull runs because the hardware simply cannot handle the volume.  I've lost quite a lot of money because of crashes over the years due to not being able to place an order or sell an order at an inoppurtune time, so the speed is pretty important feature for me. 
  • Single Click Portfolio View - Simple as it sounds, a detailed view of your portfolio with a single click.  It says in the description that multiple instruments will be included (futures) so maybe it will give a breakdown of what is a coin you own, what is a future you own, and when will the deal actualize.  I would like to see multiple breakdowns of BTC/USD at the click of one button and would like to see a feature like time machine trades (how this trade is doing vs just staying in BTC or ETH in the past.  Another nice opportunity here would be to show past charts for specific tokens or past commodity charts with historical pricing since before the exchange went live.
  • OCO (One cancels the other) Order - "Trader can place a square off order as well as the stop loss order simultaneously on the exchange and as soon as either of the order gets hit another order would automatically get cancelled, thereby provide trader with an ease of doing trading. " -Digital Ticks Whitepaper  This feature is something I wish all exchanges had.  Square off orders are typically a day trader stock market term that basically means buy a certain amount of shares and then later that day sell the shares automatically in hopes of gaining a profit.  Not sure how this works with a market that never closes, but maybe its just a philosophy of a day trade by a specific amount of open time left up to the trader.  Still though it basically just sounds like a stop limit as a stop loss and a stop limit  
  • desirable price can be set simultaneously with the same stack.  This would be quite useful, so you don't have to rely on things like trailing stops so heavily. 
  • Hot keys! - So this one really excites me.  As a big time gamer and film editor, I would love to bring the power of hotkeys to my trading.  Certain tasks are just way too many key presses or mouse movements, and I think this is a huge opportunity to set a new standard here.  It doesn't really state whether the hotkeys will just represent one step tasks or record-able macros, but I think this would be  brilliant if it allowed this level of customization.  Still even basic hotkeys is a huge step forward when you're potentially doing similar tasks thousands of times a month. 


Fund Usage


 The Digital Ticks Team combines decades of experience in Finance, Development, Marketing and Licensing. 

for more information 

Website: https://www.digitalticks.com/
White paper: https://www.digitalticks.com/pdfs/Digitalticks_whitepaper.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3178265
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigitalTicksExchange
Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalticks
Telegram: https://t.me/digitalticksexchange 

Author :  uatrade 

Wallet :   0xd405638B01a0F4E87B894797eD150B2927A57f76 

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