【Do not provide your private key or seed phrase under any circumstances】 Bitpie Team won´t take the initiative to chat with you privately. For Costumer service, contact [email protected], we will reply you as soon as possible.
Bitpie Team will not ask you private information such as Wallet private key, seed phrase, KeyStore or password. If you have doubts, please ask in our Telegram group chat. The administrator's name and profile picture are also likely to be fake, please be cautious.
Before asking any question, please be aware of our official website https://bitpie.com/publics announcements, or go to our Documents Center for more detailed explanations.
Please download the latest version of Bitpie on our Official website: https://bitpie.com/
If you have any question, please reach out in our Telegram discussion group:
https://t.me/BitpieInternationalConcerning the listing of coins or tokens, please submit the information to http://hk.mikecrm.com/cxwbYRF. Our team will verify the information, if you have any special need leave your message there.
Find us on:
Telegram: https://t.me/BitpieInternational
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitpieWallet
Medium: https://medium.com/@Bitpie