People who survived their own executions:steemCreated with Sketch.

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People who survived their own executions:

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Doyle Lee Hamm, a death row inmate in Alabama, was sentenced to death for a 1987 murder. While on death row, he developed lymphatic cancer, complicating lethal injection due to poor venous access. Despite warnings, the Alabama Department of Corrections attempted and failed to execute him on February 22, 2018, in a botched three-hour attempt. A confidential settlement in March 2018 prevented a second execution attempt, effectively giving Hamm life in prison. He died from cancer-related complications in 2021.


Konstantin Petrovich Feoktistov was a Russian engineer and cosmonaut in the former Soviet space program.

At 16, during the Nazi occupation of Voronezh, Feoktistov fought with the Soviet Army against the German troops. After being captured and shot by a German officer, the bullet passed through his chin and neck without killing him. He later crawled to safety and returned to Soviet lines.

As a cosmonaut, Feoktistov flew on Voskhod 1, the first spacecraft to carry three crew members. The Feoktistov crater on the far side of the Moon is named in his honor.


Alva Campbell was an American murderer from Ohio, convicted for the 1997 murder of 18-year-old Charles Dials in Franklin County. On November 15, 2017, Campbell's execution was halted when medical staff couldn't find a suitable vein for the lethal injection. He died of natural causes on March 3, 2018, at 69, suffering from cancer, lung disease, asthma, and heart problems.


Szymon Srebrnik was a Polish Jew and Holocaust survivor of the Chełmno extermination camp – a German Nazi death camp established in occupied Poland during World War II. Srebrnik escaped after being shot in the back of his head at close range, two days before the Russians arrived in 1945.

Willie Francis was an American teenager known for surviving a failed execution by electrocution in the United States. He was 17 when he survived the first attempt to execute him, as the chair malfunctioned. After an appeal of his case taken to the Supreme Court of the United States failed, he was executed in 1947 at age 18.


Timofey Mikhailov was a member of the Russian revolutionary organization Narodnaya Volya. He was designated a bomb-thrower in the assassination of Tsar Alexander II of Russia, but did not throw a bomb.

He was condemned to death and hanged on April 15, 1881, along with four other conspirators. Mikhailov was the second to be executed, but the rope broke twice under his weight. The first time, he fell but quickly stood up and positioned himself for a second attempt.

The rope snapped again after 1.5 minutes. Finally, he was hanged with a reinforced rope, despite some in the crowd believing the broken ropes were a sign he should be spared.


Robert Hébras was one of only six people to survive the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre in France, where the SS Panzer Division, Das Reich, slaughtered 643 residents. Men were shot in barns, which were then set on fire. Women and children were killed in a church by grenades and fire.

Despite being seriously wounded, Mr. Hébras survived by dropping to the floor and later escaping through burning buildings. His mother and two sisters were among those killed.


Wenceslao Moguel, a Mexican soldier under Pancho Villa, was captured on March 18, 1915, during the Mexican Revolution and sentenced to death without trial. He was shot 8–9 times in the body and received a final point-blank shot to the head, intended to ensure his death. Remarkably, he survived the execution, though he was left permanently scarred and disfigured.

John Smith, also known by the alias John Wilson, was a London housebreaker, most notable for his three evasions of execution. His first evasion earned him the nickname of "Half-hanged Smith."

John Babbacombe Lee became popularly known as "the man they couldn't hang." After he survived three attempts at hanging for murder, his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.


William Duell was 17 years old when he was convicted of the rape of Sarah Griffin in Acton, London, England. He was sentenced to death. On November 24, 1740, he was hanged in Tyburn, along with four others, but survived the hanging; his sentence was commuted to transportation to America, where he died at an advanced age following the revolution.

Thomas Eugene Creech is an American serial killer who was convicted of two murders committed in 1974 and sentenced to death in Idaho. The sentence was reduced two years later on appeal to life imprisonment. He was sent back to Idaho's death row for a 1981 murder committed while imprisoned.

On February 28, 2024, Thomas Eugene Creech's execution was called off after the medical team failed to establish an IV line for the lethal injection. He was returned to his cell an hour after the scheduled execution time.


Will Purvis was a member of the White Caps, a group with foundations similar to the Ku Klux Klan. He was convicted of the murder of Will Buckley in 1894 and always maintained his innocence. Purvis scornfully told the jury he would "live longer than the lot of them."

He was sentenced to death by hanging, but survived since the noose loosened around his neck. He remained imprisoned until December 20, 1898, when he was pardoned.

William Isaac Purvis died in Purvis, Mississippi, on October 13, 1938, three days after the last juror had died. He was 66 years old.


Anne Greene was an English domestic servant who was accused of committing infanticide in 1650. She was hanged despite evidence she had miscarried. Her body was taken to Oxford for dissection, but they found she had a faint pulse. After treatments that included a smoke enema, she was revived and later pardoned in the belief God had saved her.


Death row survivor Romell Broom survived 18 lethal injection attempts as executioners were unable to find a suitable vein. He later died in prison from COVID-19.


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