Rohit Shetty's next 'Dilwale' featuring Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon is potentially the greatest film of the year. Discharging on December 18 this year, the group has been determinedly shooting for the film here, there and all over. As of late, SRK and Kajol were seen shooting in Bulgaria for their scenes, and now we hear that Varun and Kriti excessively wrapped up a tune in a similar nation.
"Varun and Kriti's melody is a cool, enthusiastic move number," Remo had only let us know before he zoomed off to Bulgaria. Three recordings from the sets have been doing the rounds, which have likewise uncovered the melody from the film. Varun and Kriti could be seen preparing up for the melody while the tune plays out of sight.
The tune has been titled 'Lut Gaya Pyaar Mein' and is extremely infectious, from what we heard. In trademark Rohit Shetty style, there a re a great deal of extravagant autos loaded up in the scene as well. Will we see Varun drawing it up for the melody? Allows simply pause and watch.