Makan Malam bersama Rekan-rekan(Dinner with Colleagues)

in dinner •  8 years ago 

Selamat Malam semua...kawan steemit di dunia

selepas pulang bekerja saya dan kawan kesalah satu restoran klassik dijakarta .yang menurut teman saya sangat nyaman tempatnya .


setelah sampai di sana kami disajian makanan beefsteak sapi yang super lezat, orange jusdan secangkir teh.
dan tidak lupa berfoto-foto biar sedikit narsis.


apa lagi teman saya yang satu ini. persis dengan badan saya ,yang super kalem tapi makan banyak. hahahaha...
namanya adul latih, atas saya ditempat kerja ,yang begitu baik.




Good night all ... steemit friends in the world

After coming home my work and friend mistaken one klassik dijakarta restaurant. Which according to my friend very comfortable place.


After arriving there we were served beefsteak beefsteak super delicious, orange juice and a cup of tea.
And do not forget to take photographs let a little narcissistic.


What's more my friend this one. Exactly with my body, which is super calm but eats a lot. ha ha ha ha...
His name is adul train, upon me at work, which is so good.



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Nice bro 👍
