What separates hearts is not the distance, is indifference.
There are persons together being separated by thousands of kilometers
and others separate living side by side.
Often we care and sensitized with things
What happens in the world, but we forget what is happening
beside us, in our home, in our family.
Indifference kills slowly, removes any feeling,
and so we create distance when we are so close.
If we want to change the world, start by changing ourselves first.
We need to look favorably upon those who are so close to us.
The best way to end the indifference is LOVE.
Love changes everything. So do not let the who is on your side, be indifferent.
Not recover the lost time, but we may decide not to waste any more time.
Let loving the hearts around us. There is always time to love and if there were not,
LOVE, itself, could be able to invent.