Living with a Disability

in disabled •  8 years ago 

Growing up I was fit loved to do gymnastics, spend all my time doing something that kept me fit then when I was 14 I jumped over a wall caught the tip of my shoe on the wall landing on my knee breaking it. For years I was in and out of hospital, 9 operations later now I am disabled and there's no going back.


After 9 operations I have refused anymore and the Specialist has agreed with me, there is far to much nerve damage around my knee plus I have far too much pain to deal with I really don't want anymore. My last operation was the hardest to get over, I passed out getting the stitches removed as they had been done far to tight,
My knee looked like a lump of meat.

Being disabled isn't being lazy it isn't something I would choose to be, If I had a choice I would be able - bodied, being able to do normal things like go shopping with my daughters, spending time together doing things we both like is out of the question. Whilst my girls were growing up most of the out door stuff, learning to ride a bike, learning to swim, etc was done with there dad, All I could do was sit and watch, I hated it, it broke my heart not being able to be part of there lives and achievements.

Now they are older and have there own live I am still limited to what I can do with them, they always have to come and see me, we can't go out as I can't walk very far and I'm in too much pain. I am hoping to get a mobility scooter to give me some life back but there quite expensive so have a bit of saving to do, then I just have to get the courage up to use it.


I am housebound, stuck in the house 24/7 looking at 4 walls is depressing and lonely. I can't even take my 2 little doggies out I have to rely on others to help. I hate being the way I am and often wonder why I am here. When I tell some people what my life is like they say " that sounds amazing, not having to do anything would be wonderful" Yeah it would be If a wasn't disabled, if I could do my housework and keep my house clean, come and go how I pleased BUT its not like that at all, its day in and day out of the same thing plus pain. Its not wonderful at all its HELL


Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter
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You make nice Posts . . .
You are a talented writer and great presenter . . .

Some of my posts are about the dangers of exercise and I have spent a lot of time designing the almost perfect exercise routine in 300 seconds a day.

I feel strongly about this (however I am still a dedicated potato chip sofa lounge geek) so I might plug my 300 second a day exercise program.

Five key core exercises that are designed to be done by anyone who has a slight level of health and fitness.

So as not to bore let me explain; gymnastics, yoga, Pilates are for in shape and fit healthy people. My program is for those out of flat shape tending toward more of a rounded shape . . .

Swimming is great, but who has a pool lol, running is silly; the gym is just wrong, so I created just five exercises over five minutes per day (or more if you wish).

Fat burns 3 calories per hour per pound, (sorry not going to convert Kg that weigh) Muscle burns thirty calories per hour per pound. Plus muscle cleans and filters the blood, I am not going to go into it; except muscle is a lot better for you for a hundred reasons than fat, there that was simple, hey.

Our five exercises build up your upper body, by provoking your forearms, upper arms, shoulders and back from nothingness into calorie burning furnaces slowly over time slowly calories get burnt away.

No empty promises this takes weeks and months but as you get stronger you feel better and slowly as you reactivate and then rebuild muscle every day you slowly burn a few extra calories every hour even when asleep.

All you need is some cheap simple equipment for an average domestic home; or if you choose nothing : )

/ hugz ; )

Do you know why this system works? Prisoners; lock people in cages and they have nothing to do but get super fit with their own body weight exercises. So if your not sure if this will work, turn on the prison channel and check out those bods.

Come on; you know you want too . . .

Go on post it if it's good ill promote it for you. I used to be incredibly fit I even pushed myself after having my first child, leg strapped up 30 minutes if home dvd aerobics but it soon took its toll on oh knee so had to stop now I can hardly do anything
I will give your exercises a go and give you a honest reply .
Go on do it :)

The idea is if people do not use muscles those muscles atrophy. They waste away, the human body like most organisms adapts to its local conditions to maintain homeostasis.

Consider a mining operation producing toxic polluted water, they slowly run this polluted water around certain plants, the plants drink up the water and the toxins, then they harvest and destroy the contaminated plants as they release the clean water back into the environs.

When it rains the whole system is useless because the plants just live on the rain water since that takes less energy to use the rain water rather and detoxify the contaminated water. So its the old saying use it or lose it, most humans never use their upper body. Over time those shoulder and arm muscles go on vacation and simply never really come back to hard work.

By slowly working those muscles the body is forced to face an unpleasant reality. The brain is telling those muscles vacation is over, the first days may simply involve holding and pushing or pulling slowly against something. However this isometric contraction starts reprogramming.

Try this place a large towel around your upper back and start pulling and twisting it around. Slowly the muscles will adapt to this new increased demand workload. Remember your muscles are full of waste products and your tendons and ligaments are contaminated with unprocessed acid byproducts and no longer flexible.

As you task your body it will slowly start to remodel those wasted muscles and start to lengthen and strengthen those joints, tendons and ligaments. Just five minutes a day, every day. Since you are never even approaching your boy's maximum potential your chances of injury are minimized which is why you can safely workout every day.

Over time you will go from being able to achieve nothing to being able to achieve something, slowly your body adapts so you just slowly increase how much you do of each exercise over one minute. Sure professional trainers and athletes will tell you its all wrong. Well everyone is entitled to believe something, even to share that opinion.

You are entitled to choose to listen to them or not, you have free will, I just know I am fat and lazy, old and ugly but when I do my exercise program regularly I can feel my body being nicer to me, since I have fibromyalgia its an easy choice for me.

Sit and do nothing for a week and have my muscles start paining and cramping. Workout to strengthen and loosen those muscles etc and have a better week, sure if I got a personal trainer or some more equipment I could do more. But I am just trying to have a better quality of life and live my lazy worthless lifestyle, not run a marathon nor apply to the NASA space program.

In short all I am trying to do is build up enough so I look less like a beach ball, to have enough fitness I can walk to the letter box without breathlessness. My goal is simple, I do not plan on trying to live to 99 years of age, just to be a good useful member of society and have a kool interesting life experience.

So if working out for 300 seconds per day helps me achieve that then i recommend all other fat old ugly lazy people might find it useful as well, which is why I invented and decided to share the 5 minutes a day exercise program : )

/ hugz ; )

Memo to self ; take a selfie of me on the sofa lounge with my potato chips and remote control for Post . . .

Seriously Girlie, whatever are your thinking ?

If your going to buy the hotrod model, at at least has to be a convertible model . . .

Truly ; ah duh, Rain bubble canopy ! ! !

Just a suggestion : )

/ hugz ; )

This is just a pitiful attempt at a humorous posting, btw . . .

See you on the BlockChain : )

I would love a souped up model i think I would look good lol the rain canopy looks really scary its like a body bag lol

the rain canopy we got is solid plastic; looks like the " cone of silence " from ' Get Smart '; I agree don't do the body bag thing especially if you live around rain...

/ hugz ; )

You have a tough cross to bear. Hang in there. Hugs.

I am trying thank you

Following your progress @karenb54 .

Thank you, I am enjoying following you :)

My mother in law is in the same struggle us you are and I know what its like to be prisoned .You lose your spirit,the pain is getting over your mind.But you still have to fight it.This scooter would be grate for you to go out and feel a bit more edepended.I hope you manage to have it.

I am saving up to get one. Have to put my pride away I can't keep having no life. Thank you

I know someone who has a disability. I can't imagine how hard it is to have a part of your life and body taken away from you.

You don't realise what you have got until you lose the use of it then life gets incredibly difficult. It can happen to anyone so do what you have to do to stay safe

Inspiring story Karen! Keep going

Thank you

I hope you manage to get your scooter soon, have you looked to see if their are any grants available in your area, their aren't a lot about anymore but their are organisations that will know and help you apply.

My hubby works full time do theres nothing much out there. I am saving up towards one, There's plenty of 2nd hand ones but I want a new one with a warranty do I know I'm covered

My Sisters He-Man bought a disability scooter, spent AU$ 1,700 nine weeks later he had to go out and buy a AU$ 3,700 new one . . .

I want a good one but got to save first

Great post. Thanks for writing this. I can relate to your frustrations! I have fibro among an endless list i won't bore you with now. I'm constantly in a 'fibro fog', exhausted and in pain and it's hard for family and friends to deal with too. I wish you all the best and hope you get your Super Scooter! x

I have been referred to rheumotolagy for Fibro testing, Its never ending is it, hope you find some relief and thank you for reading

Your welcome! Good luck x

Pain can be do crippling. My partner and I both suffer with chronic pain and are all too familiar with hospitals and pain killers. I can understand how frustrating it can be when you want to do more than what your body will let you.

It is annoying, You want to do something that used to be easy now its to hard. Hope you both are ok