My Addiction To Danger: Multi-Vortex Tornado Disaster Photos And My Story With Discovery Channel

in disaster •  9 years ago  (edited)


I'm addicted to dangerous places.

I'm drawn to events I do not understand and that lie outside the scope of my personal experience. For these reasons, I have wanted to be a spy, crime scene photographer or investigative journalist. I like the adrenalin rush that I get whenever I am in a place of absolute, total destruction. I also like visiting places that are abandoned. Like @ratel 's post where he photographed creepy Russian abandoned sites. His post was incredible but didn't get enough upvotes:

When I'm confronted by a scene of total destruction, it forces me to evaluate my life choices. It forces me to question my existence. It makes aware of the billions of nerve cells that usually lie dormant within my body. Destruction wakes me up my mind in ways that drugs, sex and other forms of stimulation cannot.

this one always reminded me a bit of Salvador Dali's clock. This is how I found the clock. No photoshop was used

Another reason I love to see destruction is because my creativity thrives on chaos, raw energy, and raw materials. My mind weaves stories from piles of rubble and becomes activated when confronted with such disarray. I think most people shudder and want nothing to do with seeing danger and destruction up close. I am the opposite. I thrive on it. My brain craves disorder.


When the Joplin multi-vortex tornado, one of the biggest and most deadly tornados ever recorded in history, occurred, I lived about 5 hours away from it in Missouri. This was 2011. I had just had a child one year before. I was going crazy feeling trapped inside a house with a new baby.


I realized that this would be a once in a lifetime deal to see the fury of Nature. Three days after the tornado struck, I was seized with an insatiable desire to see the destruction up close for myself. I knew I had to see it. I drove there alone and even though I knew I was safe, all my friends said I was crazy for wanting to go to Joplin.


As I entered Joplin, I was shocked to discover that there were no blockades, nothing stopping people from going to any part of the town. The power lines were lying in the street, and I drove over them, hoping that the electricity from them didn't damage my car in any way. This was the first indicator that I was now in some kind of danger.


What I saw can never be unseen. The human victims had already been saved, the ones who could be saved, so there were no screams or anything like that. But the total destruction that lay before me in all directions is something I cannot even fully describe. I had to shake myself, over and over, reminding me that this was real, all real. It wasn't a movie set or a video game. It was TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION FOR AS FAR AS THE EYE COULD SEE.


The cars freaked me out the most. I'd never seen so many cars piled up, 100% destroyed, looking like playthings. Everything had this sort of theatrical set-like appearance because I couldn't connect what I was seeing with reality. Nature, is more powerful than you can ever imagine. I have a newfound respect for the natural world after seeing Joplin.



Let me continue on. After driving around in my car for a bit, I decided to stop somewhere and continue looking around on foot. I had a tripod with me and was taking HDR photos (that's why the details are so good in these photos). As I was walking toward a mound of rubble, I saw something moving inside the pile. It was a man. He climbed out before my eyes, and I captured this whole thing on a video:

Their story was horrific and extremely lucky. The tornado picked up their car, sent it flying across the parking lot, then a building fell on top of their car, saving them from being sucked up into the tornado! Watch the video for their story.


Now, I'm going to get into the Discovery Channel part of my story.

After taking my HDR photos and videos of the disaster zone, I felt that I had captured some things that no one else had. The photos I took had an artistic feel to them. I searched online after I got home and I could find no other footage like mine. Very few people do HDR photography because it's time consuming. You have to take 3 different exposures (light, dark and medium) of the same shot, then fuse them all together on the computer later.


Well, it wasn't long before the Discovery Channel found my Joplin footage. They said they were creating a special about the Joplin tornado and wanted to use my photos and videos. They sent me a contract which I signed. Guess how much they were going to pay me for using my precious photos and videos? I think it was around $100. One hundred fucking dollars. Incredible. But I didn't care because this was the Discovery Channel! I carefully shot a new headshot of me looking extremely wild and "dangerous", and sent that off with my contract:


Guess what? A film studio in Chicago also wanted to use my footage. And another director wanted it also. Suddenly, I was in demand. 3 different media outlets wanted to use my footage. You'll never guess what happened next.


First it was the Discovery Channel. After about a month after I had signed the contract they told me that the show was being cancelled. The main editor had axed it. Then the film company also folded. Then the director. All 3 media outlets had for one reason or another cancelled or stopped working on the films.

Great. Then I did what I've never done before. I reached out to all the news agencies. After spending large chunks of time crafting emails to the various agencies, they all said my photos were too "arty" for news. Hmmmm....then I reached out to art galleries to see if there was interest. The galleries all said my photos were too 'newsy', not artistic enough. Well, fuck.


I personally feel that these photographs are perhaps some of my best work I've ever created. I did give one Pecha Kucha presentation with my photos in 2011. Other than that, they have lied in obscurity, never seeing the light of day in any mainstream media sort of way.


Here are the full photos in video form. I actually cannot locate all my photos at the moment, but the video shows most of them:

Hey, and guess what? I love Steemit so much, I'm putting my entire collection of art and photos on STEEM IMG (thanks to @blueorgy who created the site), where you can use my art library for your own posts.

My idea in opening up my photos to be Creative Commons is to help people who have stories and posts, but don't have the artistic eye, or don't have time to create their own images. Attribution would be a kind gesture, but I'm not going to insist on it. I've been wanting to make a creative commons image library for a loooooong time. I'm just going to do it, to show my commitment to the strength of the commons. And to show how we can become stronger once we release our attachment. We are stronger as a group when we work together, sharing our talents.

So, from now on, you can use my images for whatever purpose you want. Even commercial purposes outside of Steemit are fine. So it's Creative Commons With No Attribution. You're free to use, share, reassemble, use for commercial purposes, use for Steemit articles, whatever. I'll be adding many many more photos to this collection. So keep checking back.

This is a big move for an artist, but I feel that my images are not doing anything good by sitting on various servers.

Here's a Creative Commons definition:

Oh, and one other thing. I'm still in need of your secrets for the Secret Writer posts. If you have a secret that you're too scared to have connected to your own account, read this for details about my Secret Writer service:


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Hey @stellabelle ...
After our short interaction earlier, I thought you might appreciate this.
This image is of the sky in Springfield, MO - 70 miles to the east (for those who aren't aware) after that very same F5 tornado struck Joplin.

It was incredibly eerie. Everything was bright orange, and we ended up with this strange, orange rainbow. What a bizarre thing that something of such destruction could create something so beautiful.

Also, when I said that your images look similar to the ones I captured there, your first image is what caught my eye. In fact, the first one below is the picture I took which I thought I was seeing until I opened your post. I also wanted to show you some of what I was able to get otherwise. I'm still kind of stunned about this post, in fact. LOL Our pictures are very similar.

wow! absolutely amazing. they do look like mine. i'll visit your post shortly! Thanks for posting these.

It is beautiful to have come from the loss.?

I'm drawn to events I do not understand and that lie outside the scope of my personal experience.

I'm exactly the same way. When I watch movies, I prefer the type that have to do with chaotic situations to see how the human element copes with it.

Most specifically, I enjoy the intuitive and smart decisions certain "heroes" in the movie make, to avoid running into danger like the rest of the people often do..

So I understand you fully. :)

Now your post wasn't a movie. It was a lot more surreal than that..

yes, i also like to observe humans navigating in unusual situations. I also like watching people work. I'm kind of a voyeur actually. I prefer watching than doing. It makes socializing extremely rare!

@stellabelle , you've inspired me to include my contribution to this event.
Have a look if you'd like.

I will after I address some work issues!

Awesome, thank yoU! :D

What's up with comments not getting any upvotes in this thread?
Not worth giving comments to your own post any votes?

I got overloaded with secrets earlier and had to do some work. I'm upvoting them now.

The horror and nightmare.

Wow these photos are ridiculous. Its crazy to think a tornado could have this much destruction. We see them on Tv and in the movies but seeing the damage they can actually do in reality is surreal to say the least.

I know! It was completely nuts. unbelievable.

WOW... what else can I say.. but WOW!!!

yah, it was life-changing for sure. I don't take tornado warnings lightly ANYMORE.

I'm in Florida, so they are only once in a while, it's great what you are doing by sharing your collection of art photos, I tell my viewers to use my youtube videos as much as they want on steemit.

It took a bit of detachment on my part to finally make the plunge. But I feel better already about it. I view art as an exercise, not an end goal. That's what makes me different than most. I'll probably keep about 10 photos of mine out of the CC library. It feels really good to finally share what I've been hoarding for my entire life as a creative person. I'm actually a creative slave......that's why I have not been able to economically benefit from my works until Steemit. Poverty and extreme creativity sometimes, unfortunately go hand in hand, because I was not motivated by money....Ideas are my currency. I'm still working out ways to help others with ideas.....time, time, time....and I have so many freaking ideas, it's hard to capture them.

This photo was nice, and collorfull.
Do you use photoshop to make it so clear in collor?


Those pictures and the devastation they convey leaves one in awe. Pray for those people. And kudos on the Commons project @stellabelle


  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure which is more horrific, the tornado or your over use of HDR. Your photography is god awful.

Hey, good photos! A little heavy on the HDRI filter though... :)

yeah i know! I should have reeled it back a bit.....

HDRI is an amazing process though, I use it sometimes for interior photos without setting up light, but using multiple photos with different exposures and then use tonemapping to calculate the final image...
Keep'em coming!!!

nice photos. When i took those joplin photos, i had just discovered HDR. Now i use it less often and less extreme ways.

Hi @stellabelle!
Great story. I've been on some #urbex adventures and it can get pretty scary pretty fast. A rusty nail went into my foot when exploring an abandoned, burnt out nightclub.

I'm a fan of your writing but I want to give you some photography advice. It might come across as criticism but trust me that I have the best intentions for you and in no way want to insult you..

I think you're over-processing your images. The HDR look is striking but very easy to "overcook". I think your posts will look more professional if your photos are more natural. Of course, photography is subjective, so what do I know?!

Sincerely wishing you the best.


Indeed this is true. It's easy to revisit and rebuild them fortunately - also the software to do so has been improving. Everyone tends to over-process HDR in the beginning - of course, this may be personal style & taste so it's always up to the original creator as to that aspect.

yeap, just started back then, using HDR

holy shit dude, you have massive cojones. I'm guessing you never have a boring day the office? hahah. Least you are living out your dream man, awesome stuff :)

man? I am a woman, dude.
Boring life is for suckers.
I'm literally going for it this time around.
No afterlife necessary.

Thats never a good mistake to make. Full steem ahead to those horses you love and some relaxation

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Awesome photos. I clearly understand why this is fascinating! I always wanted to visit Chernobyl and make a report about the story there.

And a great idea that you added your photos on!

i would love to go to Chernobyl. How is the radiation tho?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I understand that there are certain places that you cannot go to, some zones are too dangerous. But there are guides there who can help you:

Absolutely fascinating. It's quite incredible how there can be so much beauty observed in destruction!

Wonderful photography, and that video blew my mind. Wow. I hope this goes up to #1 trending in short order. And maybe a bravery award somewhere. :)

Hey, I appreciate that.

As I already said. It looks scary and frightening. It feels kind of extraordinary forces of nature, and the inability to resist it.
Thank you for the full post!

You are welcome and I look forward to your future posts too. Hey, when you post, send me a message on Twitter so I don't miss them @stellabelle

What a great story, thanks steamer

ah, you're welcome.

Holy crap! You live near me! I'm in Springfield, MO!
I've got a huge gallery like this of my own as well. My wife and I went there a couple of days after it happened to help some friends of ours who lived there. Hell, I had to look close at your pictures to realize they weren't mine. LOL
I did post one picture I took from this disaster, it was a pano that shows the destroyed hospital on the horizon. It was like a bloody a-bomb detonated. There's very little else that makes you realize how small you are until you're standing in the middle of such destruction.
Great photos, and good luck with your post!

hey! I only know of a few Missouri people on Steemit. How did you find out?

Well, I work from home for Apple as an At-Home Advisor, and one of my co-workers told me about it. He lives in Oklahoma if I remember correctly. I've been telling my friends and not a single one had heard of Steemit.

If you look at the page and look at distribution it tells you the number of accounts and how many are active. Its mind boggling how the wealth is shared so well among lots of people with such a new platform. I believe even though there are 30k accounts or more that doesnt take into account the inactive accounts.

LOL I would post my gallery, but after having posted that pano and only getting 1 vote for it, I considered the waters to be tested, so I didn't bother. I shoulda posted them. Got TONS of photos, too.

Oh, and consider yourself followed. :)
It's really cool knowing someone from this area is being pretty successful on here.

thanks! I found Steemit by myself while doing research for a science article.

This brings back vicid memories memories of seeing the wreaked havok caused by hurricane katrina. I visited the ninth ward where the area was hit hardest and it pained me to see things like childrens toy and family heirlooms destroyed and not knowing whether or not anyone survived. I may write about the wxperience someday but woul love to share some of my better photos i took later tonight when i am home. I didnt have an incredible camera but did get a few pretty striking photos. As always you kick ass @stellabelle. Glad you are part of steemit and that so many have seen and enjoyed your pictures and writing style.

I realize that so much tradegy fell to humans, and this part is really sad....

I was also interested in the unknown and dangerous !

When someone asks me if i believe in God, I answer, "The unknown is my "God"'

and I say - God within me

i admire your courage ang proud to meet a fellow adrenaline junky here at steem. i work towards danger too


what does this mean?

I think that's a bot. I think.

I was terrified

oh i see now. cool

in our country that regularly hit by strong typhoons, im proud to say that in my line of work, we are usually the once who act first. we are the first responders. we could learn a thing or two from you

ah, we all have our talents. I'm only good for artistic work.
Others are more skilled with helping and saving victims. I am extremely fragile when it comes to witnessing human pain, so I would not do well with helping victims. I'm much better as an observer, detached from elemental human pain. I'm glad there are different kinds of people in the world, though.

Beautiful and dangerous. Great photos!

thank you. I put a lot of time, effort, sweat and adrenalin into this project.

Your pictures are really awesome and definitely artistic. Nice you shared them with us.

Hi stellabelle, nice work, really!
I have a nice story to, different but nice nevertheless involving nature powers. Please check it out here

thanks, I will look shortly

This HDR photo absolutely stunning ! No word can describes , hopefully the victims all in safe hand now . :)


Good choice. Don't know whether they'll give what they should, but they're artistically awesome. Obviously the destruction not so much.

Thanks for your nice comments. I have literally hundreds of projects and ideas that have simply been festering in my mind for years. I tend not to like the whole art gallery pretensious........

Nice article and fancy image i really like your article, but i do not think you will like experience a dangerous event on your real life like tsunami on the picture below

you will not like its when its happen to you
here is tsunami on indonesia
the biggest dissaster and really dangerous i've ever seen on my live
its kill thousand of people and destroy everything

I am totally blown away from your pictures.


These pictures are so strong! Good work catching them

thank you.

I will not comment if the post is bad or good in itself. The payment for it however is outrageous. And no not because of envy, but because it is bad for steem's future.
Read the whole reasoning here:
Steemit Is Not A Casino

Unreal. And to think this was all normal just a week before. No one knew their lives would be turned upside down or destroyed completely. Raw - that's what I love so much about your work, Leah. Nothing is held back. These photos prove it.

Thanks so much!

It's scary when there is a disaster going out on the town. So many people die. But I love Tornadoes and Tsunamis. As the phenomenon in nature and not the destruction they bring.

Just what the fuck. I don't know what to say.

Ha ha! Your comment is hilarious. I was kind of shaking during the whole day at Joplin and saying to myself, "what the fuck!!!!!" I had to talk to someone.......myself

That is nothing bro. Did you go to Area 51 yet? I did.

i'm not a 'bro'. By saying it's 'nothing' I'm not really feeling the desire to check out your link.

good job!

Never seen disaster look so beautiful.

Thanks for sharing. As always interesting to read.

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

bring backmemories. of places new orleans

Hello! Excellent article & photo
Come to visit me. I'm a #photographer, and vote my photos:
Next photoshoot
photoshoot Anime

👍😆 nice pictures, very artistic.... Great take the pictures

wow! what a story! the photos are amazing!

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Wow!! Your photos are amazing! I can't believe they weren't picked up by more news outlets. They are crazy.. I haven't seen anything like your photos.

thanks so much. I appreciate your kindness.