North Texas Disc Golf - Spring 2018 - Proof of Fun

in discgolf •  7 years ago 

Now that June is upon us, summer is officially coming into full effect. That means longer days for playing disc golf – FTW!

steemit-enternamehere-discgolf-jimmyporter-hole2-water-hazard.jpgTook the Shark for a swim on the way to the hole

For the uninitiated, disc golf is a game very similar to the game known as golf. (Shout out to all my disc golfing steemians!) However, there are some distinctions to be made between traditional golf and disc golf.

Conveniently, @curtross made a detailed post about how disc golf is different and why that's good for society, 5 reasons Disc Golf will overtake Ball Golf in 5 years for anyone interested in getting into the game.

I started playing disc golf about ten years ago. What's still so appealing to me about the game is that, basically speaking, it's just a walk in the park with benefits.

One of the fitness benefits of disc golf is nobody uses a cart while playing, so a lot of walking (or sprinting, if you're feeling frisky!) is involved. Another benefit of disc golf is there are fewer restrictions, limitations and barriers to entry compared to the traditional game of golf (a.k.a. “ball golf”), therefore a larger demographic constitutes its body of players.

Disc golfers are a mostly friendly lot, from my experience over the last decade. Players on the course are generally very courteous and helpful to one another, instilling a spirit of camaraderie into the game. It's good clean fun for the whole family.

Together with @jschindler (who started playing in March 2018), I've been getting in more rounds than ever. When I started playing, I lived in a different state, so I am still exploring the courses around North Texas, where I currently reside. With my new partner on the course, disc golf has been extra fun this year!

Proof of Fun

Watch out for the train that runs next to the first hole at Jimmy Porter in Carrollton, it's hungry for discs. Too bad that reward is in dollars...

The Champion Valkyrie (a kind of driver disc made by Innova) was lost this season to a slimy, reedy creek at Jimmy Porter. A grabber is handy at this park for those of us with room for improvement in the accuracy department.

Short and shady putt, hole 4 at Jimmy Porter

I ate some beets, then a chocolate granola bar as a pre-game before going to Lenard L Woods Park in Lewisville. Someone with a knack for these kinds of things once told me there is great pleasure to be had in this food combination. Looks like it put a ☺ on my face.

LLW in Lewisville is very forgiving. There are far more pedestrians than "official" hazards.

LLW is also a long and skinny course, if that's what you're into.

Here at @jschindler, we endorse and support good times, especially at hole 3, LLW.

Water hazard at North Lakes in Denton. This was the first round @jschindler and I ever played together. He found the disc underwater that day, to my [slight] disbelief.

We didn't see any snakes. That's false advertising and I want my money back. (North Lakes is a free course, ma'am.)

My after face, all 18 holes at North Lakes. Also the same face I made when I realized I have no pictures of me throwing, only videos that I won't be uploading tonight.

Excuse me, would you care for some cheese with that disc?

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Who is enternamehere?

ENH is a steemian who enjoys the fitness, friendly spirit and fresh air of disc golf. Actively exploring courses across North Texas. Always happy to meet a fellow disc-er!


enternamehere/SCB content is expressly created for and is intended for entertainment and artistic purposes only. Unless otherwise stated, all images used herein were originally created by enternamehere/SCB or free-to-use.

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"Because it's not green?" Sorry, couln't resist. Comes from SOME comedian in the past. No idea, unless you have a dot or other typing thing unseen, at the bottom of the page of the editor. Otherwise, and odd glitch? I know the editor has been acting strange lately, not saving all my writing sometimes. Maybe it's tired.

As for disc golf, looks like lots of fun. I've only played Ultimate, and would like to try golf. We have several courses, and they get a lot of use. One day soon maybe. If I don't get laughed off the course for doing it with a big old Whammo glow in the dark.

Maybe it's tired.

Yeah, we'll go with that one. Good ol' editor.

One of these days I need to play Ultimate, it looks like hella good exercise. Since there is a healthy population of discers where you live, you could probably find a friendly group for beginners. Bring the Whammo, might be a hit! :D

You look such a bad ass playing Disco Golf!! Have you tried ultimate frisbee?
If you are good at disco golf you should be also very good at that!
Your yellow glasses are the ultimate fashion.

Actually, no I'm still an Ultimate Frisbee virgin. It seems too aggressive for me! If I look like a badass, then I am a delicate badass...more girly than tomboy.

When's the last time you played Ultimate Frisbee? Photos? And what about roller derby?! You seem perfect for that sport! Your name could be the Sicilian Scissor, or Sandrina In Your Spleena...

edit: The yellow glasses are fashionable? Thank you!

This does look like fun. Is this a special course that's kept for disk golf or is it shared with traditional golfers?

I never understood the appeal of golf until someone explained it's just an excuse to go for a walk and smoke cigars. Then it made sense.

I'm unaware of any traditional courses that share with disc golf courses. (The yardage on the disc golf course is shorter than the traditional course.) Although there are courses that are dedicated to disc golf only, many disc golf courses are integrated into city parks and are multi-use.

This welcoming sign is posted at LLW park


So glad to shine a little light on the game for you. Maybe you'll find a course near you to fall in love with. It really does make for a nice day out when you've got the weather. Thanks for dropping by! ☺

Do you guys play with old, dilapidated T&F Disci and such? Sounds like a very dangerous sport...

I'll be honest, I've been scratching my brain for a good minute, searching for what "T & F" could stand for here!

Yeaaah, while catching a disc on a drive to the face would definitely leave a mark, serious or lasting injury sustained from said disc seems unlikely under normal conditions...that sign was just so -- hhhh. Thanks for being cool, park. First time I've seen a sign like that!

Yeah, that was a bit obscure. Track and Field. The discus. I get a bit sometimes. There may be other words for it ( :
Now my turn, is hhhh a silent laugh? I've been told I'm a quiet laugher. More of an exhuberant exhale. But it gets the job done. And I do laugh a lot, it's just not noisy.
That is a pretty classic sign. Wonder how often they have to replace it, and how many are on dorm room walls around the area.

Ah, T & F of course! I shoulda known that one. hhhhh was like an exhale, a slightly exasperated sigh. Isn't it interesting how many different forms a laugh can take? Signs like that do kind of beg to be taken, I can envision that on on a (hu)man cave wall or in a dorm, totally. Happy Monday! :D

Oh, I remember the days well, when having a huge, Schlitz, light-up beer sign on my wall was the cat's meow of fine decor. Even brought it home for my bedroom wall when I moved back in with my Mom for the summer break of college. HHHHH, was all I heard, concerning my grand accomplishment of higher learning from that semester away.
I fear I am a boring laugh-er. But it's the humor that counts, no matter the noise you make at the end. Deep thoughts for a Monday.

BTW can anyone 'splain me why there's a giant white space at the end of my post?

Great Texas disc golf pics!

Hey @disctattoo! I (@ericwilson) created this account to bring together disc golfers here on steemit! I am going to give you a follow! I try to upvote and resteem anything disc golf related!

Sweet! :)

Thank you!