Building Line Upon Line; Precept Upon Precept

in discipline •  7 years ago 

Hello Steemit family, it looks like i originally wrote this in 2012; at the time i thought it was "valuable", i have tweaked it a tad for this post, and wonder what the steemit community thinks its value may be. 

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The rabbit holes i have been down in the road to truth are many...guess what, I am still searching. 

Building Line Upon Line; Precept Upon Precept 

Whew, there is so much we need to understand in the place we are right now. We look at others in their fame or greatness and “think” why can’t I... We even unconsciously judge those in a low place and maybe besmirch or begrudge their effort, and find our self saying under our breath, "glad i am not like that." 

This is the place we find ourselves when we do not take full “100%” responsibility for everything in our life.

This teetering back and forth between focus and no focus (Jocko would say "discipline") is what drives us to the place we “are”, by default, by deliberate action. 

We need to pause here for a moment and “think” about that statement. the place we “are” by default, by deliberate action. What you are “thinking” about is what we allowing to hold us back from everything we want? In fact, it is what drives us to where we go. By default, or by deliberate action. 

What are the dominating thoughts of an hour of your day? When do you deliberately, willfully, consciously, “hold” for even 30 seconds the “thing” you want in your life.

Oh, wait a minute....we do this every freaking second we are alive. You do this before you brush your hair

or teeth, when you drive to work, dress yourself. When you eat the next piece of pie you just told yourself

not to eat. Drink the next beer you told yourself you were not going to have, smoke the next cigarette, or

when you tell yourself you will workout tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes.

You are 100% responsible for every thought held captive and every action developed from that thinking. I

can confidently say that which you “think” about most of the time will happen in your life.

Become the master of your mind. Line upon line, precept upon precept every time you see, hear, taste, or

feel your thoughts not responding in the direction of YOUR will, correct it!

Try this technique on for size...

The next time your thoughts are haphazardly flowing in a direction not please to YOU, stop yourself by

saying (out loud even) your are “not” allowed to think “happy thoughts.” No, stop are not allowed to

think about "goodness;" No, you are not allowed to think about pure things. The moment you tell yourself

you are not allowed to do something. Your rebellious nature kicks in and says “I will if I want too”.

This may be one survival skill you can employ the next time you find your mind derailed  for lack of focus (discipline, as Jocko would say)

The journey...Building line upon line; precept upon precept

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