The Unexpected Reason I Started Using the Promo Section in Discord

in discord •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi Friends!

I have always shied away from the idea of self-promotion. I don’t know… I guess I thought it seemed desperate? (I promise I’m not trying to offend!)

Some of you may have noticed that I have never said “Upvote, comment, re-steem!” at the bottom of my posts either. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this… it just wasn’t really my style.

The other day though… I had a total 180 shift in my perspective on self-promoting in Discord.

Does Anyone Actually Look at These Promo Tabs?

I used to think… who actually looks at these promo tabs to find content? Maybe people do, but it didn’t to be a likely scenario. I have also heard that curators for Dtube and Dlive check those promo tabs to find content... but I also don’t really think that is true. (If you have different information though – feel free to share with everyone below!)

The Perspective Shift

I have the discord app on my phone – which means I get a lot of notifications from the various groups I am part of. The other day, I got a notification that my friend @steemcafe posted something in the promo section. The kind of unintentional affect was that it didn’t make me go to Discord to see the post – but it just made him top of mind for me.

My reaction was, “Oh, I haven’t stopped by his page in a few days! I should stop by and say hi and see what he’s up to.”

This was my big ah-ha moment. Maybe the value in posting to these promo sections is not to hope and pray that some random person scrolls through it and checks out your post… but that it keeps you top of mind for those who you are connected with on Steemit and Discord. Even though I never really look through those promo sections – when I see someone who I already like and follow post on there – it legitimately makes me go to their page to see what they are up to.

But If They are Already Following Me… What’s the Point?

Let’s face it – even if someone really enjoys your content, the chance of them being on Steemit and scrolling through their feed when you post is super slim. Back to the @steemcafe example. When I saw that notification… I wasn’t currently on Steemit and would have totally missed it. It was the notification that prompted me to hop onto the platform.

Looking for Feedback on Discord Etiquette

Since I’m pretty new to using the promo sections of discord – I thought I’d open up the conversation to discuss proper ettiquite around using these features. My main question – is it considered bad taste to post the link in multiple discord groups? For example… Let’s say I just posted a Dtube video. Should I post it in the official Dtube discord and the #onelovedtube discord? Is it okay to do both… or is that considered annoying?

I’d love to hear people’s thoughts on the subject so hopefully we can have a good conversation around it!

Thoughts on the Value of Promo Posts?

Thank you so much for watching this video! I hope that some of you found it helpful or thought provoking. I’d actually love to get your thoughts on one more thing too! Do you think there is value posting in the promo sections of Discord? Why or why not?

Love you guys and can’t wait to chat in the comments!

Xo, Lea


Please support Dtube and stream this video through their service. Here is a YouTube link for anyone who needs it though.

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  1. You are kind of cool. 😎
  2. When we do karaoke we all wish you were here.🎶
  3. You can never over use @steemcafe in a post.😈
  4. Oh yeah discord is rad.✌

Hahaha😂 Lea @coruscate stellar vid & killer post. Always wishing you💃, @maryjaney💅 & @raised2b💀 the very best.

This comment has an epic about of emojis. 👌🏼

Big love my friend! ❤️

Cool! Your posts are almost always in the hot section of Dtube anyway so I tend to see most of them. However... I follow a lot of people, there are a lot of posts in my steemit feed, and most of them are really good and I want to read and watch them. This means a lot of posts get missed. I tend to check the discord post-promo section of smaller groups I'm in before I dive into my steemit feed. This lets me see the posts of people I don't want to miss first.

As far as etiquette, I post in many of them because I like to believe other people are looking there too. But who knows, maybe I'm being annoying, lol.

That's really cool to hear that you actually DO check the promo sections! that help answers my question on that. Thanks for your feedback on etiquette too! I have been posting in several, depending on what it is, and so glad to know your impression is positive for that. :)

Smaller discords like steemcreators I do check. The bigger ones like minnowboosters, I'll admit I post and move on and I don't really expect that anybody is clicking my links there but who knows. No problem about the feedback. I hope you and @raised2b have a great weekend!!!

OMG i just realized that i'm not on the Steemcreators discord...hahaha. Iris mentioned it to me right after the conference and I totally forgot! (face palm) Heading there now...

Anyway, I hope you guys have a wonderful Memorial day weekend too!! Maybe get in a little fishing or something. :)

Hmmm. That's a good point. I guess it's another way to make like a "ringaling" to followers. I'll have to look into that. You're always coming up with really great ideas.

aww thanks @littlescribe! Are you on discord at all right now? I know we used to chat more in I have actually found Discord easier to use now that I'm used to navigating it. You can get an app on your phone too, which makes it pretty easy to use.

P.S. I like your avatar. It's thoughtful and pretty.

Thank you! @skyleap designed it and I absolutely love it! :)

@coruscate this is really neat to get your perspective on Discord. One thing I recommend though when uploading to DTube, is that you remove the markdown and the photo links from the DTube text, and instead put it inside of the Advanced tab where it posts to the Steemit blog. It makes the text more clean looking on DTube and then posts it properly on Steemit with photos and markdown :)

Hmm I’ll have to play around with that, thanks for the tip!

I’ve always been annoyed that markdown showed on the text of Dtube.

i used to spend a lot of time in there, but only to "hang out" with people from the @cervantes group. I have actually met lots of great people and made friends with many of them too. I personally think it is great to meet a lot of creators and to get help if you don't know much about using the block chain and crypto currency in general. There's many people very wiling to help.. and also you get to really connect with people and it is really worth it .

I don't go in there much anymore, but it is for the same reason that i don't really post as regularly as i used to. Lack of time and grown up stuff. haha.

I am glad to see you doing so well Lea! you are awesome! love everything you do!

I hear ya... it's hard to fit in everything we need to do as an adult AND make content. haha

Thanks for your feedback on discord! I'm glad to hear you've had a positive experience too. It's been really fun to get to chat with people in a more unplugged setting. :)

Big love to you my friend!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have not steemed in the last nine days. My turn_over is never up to $1 and i feel its frustrating for me to pour my brain into something that wont fetch me much.

Maybe i am making some kinda mistake. Someone please help

Vidio yang sangat bermanfaat.
Terimakasih @curuscate