I needed someplace to save this until I could figure out why it won't post in discord.
It stems from some ahole's repeated snide remarks regarding my ideas, and is a response to a moderator's comment seeking clarification.
That classic, almost forgotten definition is the root of anarchism. Anything later is a derivative or a bastardization of the original.
Free markets is what I am aiming at.
How free is a market if you got to kiss rich ass to trade profitably in it?
If you want to be rich it is much easier to achieve if you don't mind being evil, and past a certain level it appears to be a requirement.
The emotionalism, in the immediate case, stems from prior interactions, and over all comes from not having enough patience to help the purposefully blind.
As for viewing anticrapitalism as coercive, that is a result of the engineering of the public's consent, and their general apathy in the face of their own ignorance.
I can point at many people that haven't read a book since the last one skool forced them to read.
I'm sure you won't contest the general tendency to conform to the norms of the herd.
It seems the only way to advance in today's crapitalism.
So yes, I have little patience for the willful ignorance of the majority.
I'm past the point of caring about folks' feelers, not because I lack empathy for folks that don't know, better, but because if I lead you to the source and you reject it, what do you want me to do?
As for being disingenuous, anarchism is, and has been from PJ's coining of the term, anti crapitalust.
I didn't always understand that, for a number of years I identified as ancrap and argued with the ancoms with the same appeal to free markets I get today.
However, I was presented with the opportunity to do the reading, so I did.
What is Property, The Conquest of Bread, Externalizing the Hierarchy, The Secret Doctrine, Manly P Hall, the economic section of the old version of the anarchist faqs to name just a few.
Anarchism and crapitalism are mutually exclusive, and have been since anarchism's inception.
Any other contention is #fakehistory.
Now, just to give you a clue how to change my mind, if you can tell me how the poor avoid having their poverty exploited under crapitalism, I'm all ears.
How do the poor avoid cleaning the toilets of the rich?
Or wage slaving in the factories for a fraction of the value that their labor creates?
When trillionaires rule the planet millionaires will clean the toilets.
How do rich people check that privilege?
Maybe clean some poor people's toilets?
Does it surprise you that much effort and expense has been expended in excising the ideas I propagate from the common knowledge?
They did deport hundreds of anarchists in the 20's to stop them from spreading the seeds of the demise of the crapitalusts.
They went so far as declaring Emma G's husband not a citizen, posthumously, so she could be deported.
So, if I am a little short on patience I got reasons, well thought out reasons.