RE: Becoming Great or Becoming you? Harder Then it Looks - Lets Talk About it #discussion

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Becoming Great or Becoming you? Harder Then it Looks - Lets Talk About it #discussion

in discussion •  7 years ago 

Am proceeding from your last statement “Live Big Today and Dominate Life.” Like the biblical exhortation that we have dominion over the earth? You seem to be favoring the statement that life is what you make it and not as others make for you. That whatever occurs in your life is your own making and not by anyone else.
Would like to cite herein a scientific view and conclusion based on experiments that say “Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality!” This is actually the title of my post on the matter which is also the title of my source/reference blog. Would invite you to take a look for possible resonance/relevance with your thoughts.

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its a call to take control over your own brain/perspective. People's prisons are generally self-made from taking on their experiences and creating normal modes of operation. I have found more success with young people whose brains are still growing to take on this call to be responsible for their own perspective. Brain's are incredible and no matter what kind of crap people put on you, even with abuse and trauma the brain can still heal and create new modes of operation. Thanks for your comment