RE: Who was the first person to make you feel welcome on SteemIt?

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Who was the first person to make you feel welcome on SteemIt?

in discussion •  7 years ago 

Yep... Fyrstikken and you @Battleaxe were the first two I met... Fyrst mistook me as a spammer and I got in voice on steemspeak to justify myself and well... things got a little out of control.. Good times idk if you'd remember that or not Battleaxe.. lol but you stood up for me and it made me feel a bit more welcomed... lol. You too @whatsup, always intrigued by what you have to say and your stance on the different debates that take place in voice... For as long as I can remember you have been a very welcoming figure in both the steemit and steemspeak community. Thanks for the post it really got me thinking!

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I remember that time period and how "rough" SteemSpeak was at that time. lol.

Glad to see you are still here and hanging in there epicdesigns. Sometimes I think only the strong survive on Steem! :)

thanks for the shout out/kind words....yeah I remember and am glad you stuck around