Epic Fail

in discussion •  6 years ago 

The Democrats were ready for a BLUE WAVE
Then they over reached.
Republicans Quickly Closing Ballot Gap With Democrats — Especially After Latest Kavanaugh Hearing

The attempted lynching of Bret Kavanaugh brought back a lot of bad memories among older voters. They remember what was done to Judge Bork and later attempted to Judge Thomas. What the dhmikrats are doing to Judge Kavanaugh has pissed off a LOT of voter. Well maybe not dhmikrats, they have no shame. But a LOT of Republicans and Independents don't like what's happening.

  • The Quinnipiac University National Poll released Tuesday, showed a 7-point gain for Republicans in just a week, with support for Democrats dropping 3% and support for Republicans rising 4%.

Red ripples amid talk of a blue wave

...........But WAIT...There's MORE.....................
.................this just adds fuel to the fire..............

Cory Booker: It Doesn't Matter If Kavanaugh Is Innocent Or Guilty
According to the Dhmikrats the presumption of innocence no longer exists. All it takes is an accusation.

This doesn't set well with Americans.

First rule of holes. When you find yourself in one. STOP digging. The News Media doesn't know that.
Without Evidence Against Kavanaugh, Media Focuses on ‘Limited Scope’ of FBI Probe

CNN Promotes Misleading Article With Further Misleading Tweet

Media Avoided Mentioning Nearly All Evidence Against Ford

The Three Lies of Christine Blasey Ford

The attempted lynching is failing.


BOMBSHELL: Ford Lied Under Oath About 'Never' Coaching Others On How To Take A Polygraph

Judge Kavanaugh Is the Victim of a Great Crime

CURL: The Democrats' Case Against Judge Kavanaugh Is Crumbling

POLL: If The FBI Finds Nothing, Most Americans Want Kavanaugh Confirmed

...................the new face of the dhmikratic party.......................
..........voices her uninformed opinion...................

WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Proves She Has No Idea What Congress Does

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I sure hope you are right. There are a lot of dummies out there.

yup..but in general stupid people don't vote.
it's too much trouble.

Corey Booker is right, either way Corey Booker is guilty!

Maybe we should make it out that we're severely scared of the "impending" blue wave, and on those various polls that ask what we're going to vote for, just say we're voting Democrat and all that, really fuck their numbers up. That way they will get comfortable and super lazy (Lazier than usual) and not go out to vote expecting this massive scale blue wave and oopsie doodle, it was a red wave.

sounds like a plan. It worked the last election.

That was my point. The last election, many people were afraid to admit they were going to vote for Trump because people could lose their jobs easily for it, or be physically assaulted in brutal ways. So it looked like Clinton was going to win in a historic landslide never before seen in US history and oopsie doodle, turns out lefties became so toxic that it was like a Jew trying to hide the Star of David.

Yup...there are maybe four or five 'Beto' signs on my block. Only one for Cruz (brave guy).
I suspect the dhmikrats will be surprised (again) this election.

Looks like it's a good winning strat though, claim you're supporting the other guy, so they think the Blue Wave is a shoe in and just stay home.

Imagine being such a scumbag that you'd vote republican in any circumstance ever. Someone was raped? Better fuck them over and vote GOP! Poor people are starving? Can't fix that, vote GOP! Middle class is shrinking? Too bad, GOP let's go! Women's rights? Nahhhh, GOP! Right to privacy? Nope! GOP! Ending the wars that murder and genocide millions? LOL WHO CARES BROTHA WE GOT THE GOP.

Voting for republicans makes you an evil scumbag.

I confess to being an evil scumbag.
it's a whole lot better than being stupid.

So you cherish the death and murder of millions of people?

Do you just consider anyone who is poor automatically stupid?

Dumb as a sack of shit on a sidewalk.

you cherish the death and murder of millions of people?
no..I don't support abortion like you do.

Do you just consider anyone who is poor automatically stupid?
absolutely not. Unlike you I was raised poor. I got my first job when I was ten...chopping cotton. From then on I always had a job.
I'm not a spoiled rich kid like you are.l

What is this "unlike you" garbage? You don't know anything about me lmfao.

First of all, how do you feel about the middle-east? You know that the GOP wants to genocide them all and are actively killing millions, right? That's a fact, so you do like genocide and murder if you vote republican.
50,000 people die every year in America because of lack of health care and insurance. That's 50,000 of our own people dying because of your stupid ass GOP votes. You're scum.

I was poor and still am poor and have been my entire life. Don't talk down to me you crazy genocidal fuck. You know nothing about me. Grow the fuck up and learn how to empathize with fellow humans. Class traitor scumbag.

do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
or do you even know who she is?
you're numbers are wrong.
what is your position on abortion?
it's impossible NOT to talk down to you...you're a low life dhmikrat.
you could walk under a snake while wearing stilts.

I'm not a democrat, dumb fuck. More assumptions. I also don't like my mother, she was an abusive moron.

why do you toe the dhmikrat line?
oh yeah...you're a useful idiot for them.

you admit to being poor?
I was poor...but i fixed it.
what about you....do you glory in being on welfare?

"admit to being poor"???? What? What's there to """admit""" to?

sorry. I used big words.
I'll have to remember to use simple language.

the GOP wants to genocide them all and are actively killing millions

false and pretty silly, why do you believe that? it's something you could easily look up for yourself and find out that it is untrue.

George W. Bush was only 10~ years ago, dude. You can't hide facts.

George W. Bush was only 10~ years ago, dude. Like Nancy Pelosi have you been confusing Donald Trump with George Bush?

by the way...I checked out your blog page.
how icky.
white letters on pastel green?
almost unreadable.
but..since you advocate social justice..there's not much sense in even trying.

What the fuck are you talking about dude, do you not use dark mode? No wonder you're so blind.

hell NO I don't use dark mode.

Which of Obama's wars are you referring to?

All of them, he's a scum bag.


Someone was raped?

Are you suggesting that the middle class was not shrinking and people were not starving and the "right to privacy" was not under attack and that there were fewer wars 2 years ago? All that just started?

Hahaha... I like your delivery on this piece and how you linked it together. I found it witty and amusing.


The listen and believe Me2 is going to get neo-liberals and other leftists killed.

They think that we have courts and policemen that they are safe.
They do not realize that it is our faith in legal system keeps everything going smoothly.

If people realize that they are going to trial for rape (that never happened) then a portion is going to see that it would be better to go to trial for murder. It carries a smaller sentence and is easier to fight in court.

The Democrons seem to be fighting like their lives depended on it.
Are they?
What if they are only at 9, and can still dial it up to 10, or 11?