Basic Guaranteed Income

in discussion •  6 years ago 

How to Fund It
Where will the money come from?

Guaranteed Basic Income

  • A basic income, also called basic income guarantee, universal basic income (UBI), basic living stipend (BLS), or universal demogrant, is a type of program[2] in which citizens (or permanent residents) of a country may receive a regular sum of money from a source such as the government. A pure or unconditional basic income has no means test, but unlike Social Security in the United States it is distributed automatically to all citizens without a requirement to notify changes in the citizen's financial status

The question is it going to be paid for?

Taxation is THEFT!

How can a Basic Guaranteed Income be funded without stealing from anyone?

Some thoughts

Federal or state leases

Federal and/or State guberments lease the rights to

  • drill for oil and gas
    develop GeoThermal Resources
  • right of ways
  • coal and other mineral mining
  • grazing rights
  • timber harvesting
  • many other permits

these are NOT taxes...they're pay to play. If a company or an individual does NOT want to pay the lease they just don't get to do what they want to do on federal or state property.

Radio Spectrum

Radio spectrum is a valuable commodity. The FCC sells the rights (licences) to transmit signals over specific bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and to assign scarce spectrum resources.

State Lotteries

The State always takes a cut. Put it in the GBI pool.

What do you think? Do you have any additional thoughts or comments?

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Have you heard of Manna?? I think UBI is coming, I have some scattered thoughts. My belief is that all money is backed my labor and not precious metals. All organisms work to live, only humans pay to live... UBI will likely come with conditions.... like I said, scattered thoughts.

yup...I've heard of Manna.
the problem is how to pay for it.
at the moment it relies on donations.

How about recovering the ill-gotten currency/assets from the 1%, (insider trading, corrupt enterprises and narco trafficking??) and channeling into the UBI.

ill gotten gains by your definition.
every time in history that the "1%" has been alienated...the country looses.
best to come to some sort of accommodation with them

Interesting idea. What sort of accommodation comes to mind?

not killing the goose that lays the golden egg perhaps?

Well, the State of Alaska ran a trial run for something like this, actually that might, might work as a sort of Universal Basic Income. It worked insofar as it didn't bankrupt the State, but it wasn't much of a game-changer. Essentially a portion of all the State's oil and gas revenue was divided up between all residents. To save manpower on dispersing it, it was simply added to their tax refund.

Perhaps if something similar happened with a certain percentage of the state revenue you described (emphasis: a certain percentage. A government still has to run, cops and soldiers don't pay themselves nor do firefighters), being distributed to all residents. But here's the thing: it's not a set amount, but a share of a set percentage. The more money the State makes, the more you make. Or rather, the bigger the pie, the bigger your piece. The amount wouldn't be guaranteed because it goes up or down with the State's economy. This way, even those who say "I just want to be an artist" have a vested incentive to do SOMETHING, no matter how slight, to make society more productive in a practical way, because their pocketbooks would be directly effected.
The Left will never go for it because it would require them to work, and the Right will never go for it because it smacks of Socialism, but I think something like it might be worth trying, at least on a small scale. If it doesn't work, it can be scrapped.
Further, in Federal societies (such as the US), I would say there should be two levels of this: one for the State and one for the Federation/Union. If it was solely the state, poorer states would say "my labor supports companies in California, but I don't get a share of California's revenue." If it was only Federal, people in Houston or New York would complain "why does West Virginia get a share of the federal income I bust my ass handing in?"
If, say, 5% of State revenue and 5% of federal revenue (that percentage might be too high or too low but I'll leave the exact figure to better economists than me), then every citizen gets some tiny share of the benefits reaped by society being more productive, but that share is not enough that they can sit on their butts and do nothing with their life.

Well, the State of Alaska ran a trial run for something like this

It is not a trial, it started in 1982 and it still happens today. Alaska basically created a fund, the money for the fund comes from taxing the revenue of oil corporations in Alaska. Everyone who lives in Alaska, once per year gets a paycheck from the government anywhere from $300-$2000 just for living in Alaska.

Alaska Permanent Fund
The Alaska Permanent Fund is a constitutionally established permanent fund managed by a state-owned corporation, the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC). It was established in Alaska in 1976 by Article 9, Section 15 of the Alaska State Constitution under Governor Jay Hammond. From February 1976 until April 1980, the Department of Revenue Treasury Division managed the state's Permanent Fund assets, until, in 1980, the Alaska State Legislature created the APFC. As of the end of 2016, the fund is worth nearly $55 billion that has been funded by oil revenues.

I stand corrected regarding the semantics, as it seems you are more familiar with the finer details of the program (including its age) than I am.
I stand by the rest of the post though.

I am considering why taxation is theft: it is taking one's property by force.

Government leases and property ownership are identical in aspect to taxation.

As natural members of the world containing resources such as oil and gas, our right to enjoy such of it as we can is endemic. Government takes this right inherent in us by force and sells it to the highest bidder.

Now, I am not necessarily saying that the human ability to concentrate our rights in such a way is necessarily evil, just that taking it by force is.

Much of the evil of the extant situation derives from failing to hold folks to account, and responsible, for their delegation of their personal authority to government. Since government agents want that power and take it without asking, we not only aren't held to account, we can't control it either. This is evil.

While you will note it appears to be impossible, as demonstrated throughout history, for groups larger than the monkeysphere to rationally act, it is certainly possible to them to be coerced into acting irrationally, and this is government today. While but few of us might have done what was done to Jamal Kashoggi willingly, I suspect more of us than expected contributed our authority to government that did.

Such evil is the result of forced disenfranchisement, and thus I would find objections to government doing any good thing on principle. I reckon we agree that government rhetoric generally claims to be effecting much good, while actually achieving the opposite, and it is because the principle of natural sovereignty is originally destroyed by government that such is possible.

Still, we need to eat, and the robots don't, and are coming. Tempt me with food, and I might come around when hunger is on the menu.

Government steals our money through taxation and guarantees itself a basic income, why should we not demand some back, if we live in a society that gets taxed, then tax us all a flat rate and then give us it back in the form of a UBI.

Or even better make government obsolete and taxation a thing of the past.

Tell me you are not seriously entertaining the concept Everittdmickey?

Now just saying that the US economy could actually support something like this without crumbling to pieces (which it couldn't) take a quick 'back of the envelope' look at the cost in real terms.

350,000,000 Americans x say $500 per week x 52 weeks cost = $9.1 trillion per year.

There is no way in the world any lotto, mining and /or radio licences is ever going to get close to paying this.

The US GDP is supposedly just over $20 trillion. So nearly 1/2 GDP alone would go in just paying Universal Income.

Worse still - services such as education and healthcare are included in the GDP number - but these a a drain on the system.

Universal Basic income could possibly work for an oil rich village in the middle East with secure boarders and zero immigration. However I think the rest of the world should stick to actually working.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Derivative founding/ investment as is the case with the Alaska Permanent Fund.

Posted using Partiko Android

Also, the Federal and state cannot own property outside the few buildings it uses, and even those are Public domain.