Cloud City

in discussion •  7 years ago  (edited)

is possible
Nothing is lighter than nothing

  • Helium weighs 0.164kg per cubic metre. Graphene sheet weighs only 0.77mg per square metre. If you could make a sphere out of a single layer of graphene, and have a vacuum inside (graphene is allegedly impervious to gas) it would become less dense than helium at sizes above 0.014mm


The key word here is this case that means LARGER

Think about THAT for a minute. In lighter than air balloons the envelope EXPANDS as the ballon rises (the barometric pressure decreases)...this causes engineering problems, none of which would apply with a lighter than air liquid.


There's MORE

it's been done...kinda.

Graphene Aerogel

Not quite the same thing...but pretty close. If the two concepts can be 'melded' together THEN IMAGINE graphene spheres that are filled with nothing are formed into a foam...then it's a solid. Not JUST a solid's
MUCH stronger than steel.

Imagine what could be done with a lighter than air...structural solid?

The mind boggles.

Skyscrapers that are 'tethered' to the ground (or not)...can you say EARTH QUAKE PROOF?
Flood proof too.

Anything proof actually.

at the moment less than 10% of the land surface of the planet is densely inhabited. (drive across WTexas or the Austrailian Outback to see what I mean..NOT many people live there. Even less live on the oceans)...

With this tech...the entire globe would be habitable in a layer (above the surface) several miles deep.
(might want to stay at a higher altitude over the poles and the mountains..)


Solar panels work BETTER when it's cold...a couple of miles high
There's more SUNLIGHT..a couple of miles high
above the clouds...

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Interesting article but it's alarming to find out our atmosphere is leaking helium into space. Does that mean air is getting heavier? Maybe we should start regulating party balloons before the effects are irreversible.

Good post. Good enough for beginners like me

Awwww it looks amazing.Cloud city is just awesome .Love it :)

Wow! That was interesting and easy enough to understand for everyone - even me! The concept is truly thought provoking!

been on Steemit long?

Anything proof actually.

Asteroid proof?

It's mobile (or could be)
just move out of the way.

Imagine a zillion quarter-acre 'homesteads' the sky...
at different levels as the mood suites you.
just above the surface...or very high
all over the planet.
'hitch a ride on the jet stream' to move from one hemisphere to another pretty quick.
of 'hover' above the fish.

But, some of the car and house sized asteroids have not been detected before they breached the atmosphere.

There is a show on Netflix called "Altered Carbon" that had floating houses. But, I think they mostly uses a system that would keep them hovering.

what are the odds that you'd be directly in the path of re entry?
win some...loose some.
Altered Carbon is a dystropia....I don't do those.
partly cause they're intended to be depressing but mostly because they're


(I get enough stupid just scanning the internet...not to mention if I were to actually watch the enemedia..)

and all wrong..

but I digress

that actually WOULD be altered carbon. Allatropes of carbon (graphene) altered (machined and molded) into specific shapes...full of vacumn...lighter than air..stronger than to leap tall buildings...or

water is 1000 times more dense than air at sea level...(heavier too)
stick the 'bulb' in the water...use it to provide the ballast...(adjust the height above the surface)..


different design.

that type of 'altered carbon' is possible now (been done)...just very expensive..
I can't hardly wait until it's cheap.

As soon as we are Crypto-Pimp Rich, my friend.

Nice post like always

we will have to come up for a name for those people who live on the ground getting shit on.

dumping valuable organics onto the ground would be a waste of resources...

and also a whole lot of fun.

good point.

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Not do sure about the science on this, above my pay grade. Fascinated by the prospect of this becoming reality. Earthquake and flood proof buildings. Does that mean insurance premiums would go down:)

Insurance premiums are also lighter than air..they always go UP.
