in discussion •  7 years ago 
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Donald Trump has been pretty consistently successful when it comes to foreign policy. From the day he was elected, China has gone from action mode to reaction mode and has been constantly running to respond to every little glance he makes. For instance, he sent them into an absolute meltdown just by a phone call to Tsai, and by signing an order saying the Navy will "consider" making port calls there. Neither involved any action, but Trump sent Beijing into a frenzy.
The fact that the CCP's facebook propaganda pages have to churn out posts screeching about him at such an ungodly rate while they never even gave notice to Obama's existence except to occasionally say "good boy! Here's a treat," says that he's got them at their wits end.
And as for Russia, he broke Gazprom's stranglehold over the Intermarium by selling natural gas to Poland, he has rendered their Pacific deterrent moot by installing a new missile defense system in Japan, and when he had to throw them a bone to make up for those two fingers he stuck in their eye, the bone he threw to them was one he stole out of China's bowl: he persuaded Mongolia to reach out to their former Big Brother, Russia, which (given that Xi has been pretty open about seeking to make Mongolia the next Taiwan) was a wonderful wedge to drive between Russia and China. The man is downright Macchiavellian, and I love it.
Domestically, he's hit or miss (and God knows his tweets are a source of embarrassment), but in terms of foreign policy (which is the real arena of presidents: congress is really the ones in charge domestically), he's been remarkably cunning, and he has done it all while playing the role of the total buffoon very convincingly.

I kinda like his tweets...
I never read them but I LOVE the reaction it causes
It drives the left insane
(short walk...why drive...but..whatever)

Well yeah, I guess I never thought of it in terms of the reactions from the Left. Maybe if I was back Stateside to enjoy watching their meltdown it'd be something. As it is though, living abroad I sit back and quietly grin when he does something, and then brace myself for a round of laughter from my foreign colleagues when he says something.
I just chalk it up to "well, I see the moves he's making and if making himself look like a fool because of some dumb tweets is his method for keeping Europe, Russia or China from seeing that he's tying their shoes together, then cringing every time his tweets go public is just the price I'll have to pay I guess."

sun tzu

Indeed. "All Warfare is based on deception."
There is also Lord T'an's Strategy #27: Feign Stupidity while Not Being Injudicious.
Zi Ma Chong-ta deceived Cao Shuang by deliberately masquerading as a drunken idiot in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and it worked smashingly. It's so ironic that Beijing fails to recognize when Western Powers apply ancient Chinese wisdom.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. At least he is trying something that should have been done a long time ago.


The Art of the Deal!

upvoted resteemed commented

I hope he is not as successful with his gun control ambitions

Trump the butt of all jokes, under constant criticism from MSM has done a great job! Rachael Maddow, in response to the President wanting to meet with Kim Jong Un and-no other President has done this. Answer; isn’t always best to sit and discuss and try too come to solutions. The only thing sanctions accomplish is the suffering of the innocent population of the nation being sanctioned.
No matter how the MSM tries to spin it Trump is winning.

The advantage of statistics and their numbers is that they speak for themselves, that in addition to the perception of the people, it is how a government should be measured. Trump, he's doing it right, the man came to work and he don't came to perform shows.

Like the man said, "You can't argue with results."

i am a big fan of him. he is the son of tiger. one man army.

If he can do this - and extract the US from the middle east - the deep state will be toothless...

Didn't Trump talk to the President of South Korea thinking it was North Korea?

Holy crap you getting your info from Info Wars? You do know Alex Jones is only acting and doesn't believe the stuff he says off the set?

EDIT: You're obviously going off of the Court Room case. You should expand your research rather than just being a talking head that repeats mainstream media talking points.

Plenty of people have gone to meet Alex Jones and point out he acts OFF camera 100% like he does on camera. So if he is acting then he is a method actor and doesn't go off character.

In other words, he isn't acting. Does that mean he perjured himself in the court case? Maybe.

So what? That is a petty thing to focus on when you look at the scope of crimes going on in our government, in our banks, etc with no accountability.

What source you get something from is IRRELEVANT as long as it is backed by facts and evidence. Not liking what you hear doesn't make it false.

Reality doesn't give a shit about opinions.

Lizard people and water turning frogs gay is plenty reality that he's an act.

Like we said do some research. You're just making yourself look like a fool now.

#1 - Lizard people is a David Icke thing not Alex Jones.
#2 - Atrazine is the chemical... research it. It's true.

Just because it sounds absurd does not mean it is FALSE.

That's called an appeal to the stone fallacy... google some critical thinking. Google some atrazine.

Then if you want to lob uninformed verbal grenades about Lizard people you should be aiming at David Icke.

If you want to mention kids as slaves on mars... that was Robert David Steele.

Do some research and quit repeating things you don't know shit about other than you heard someone else say it.

I did some research on soros and the Alabama funding of the recent election....

fact's are great. (without any emotional rhetoric involved)

Does it really matter if the content he reports on is his or not but that he goes on epic rants on how it's supposedly true. That's the problem. He's just the online version on National Enquire, I got a stack of papers in front of me proving it. lol

Oddly enough not all of my links are to infowars...
does the same skepticism apply?

Nope just on crazy conspiracy theorist sites. Trump takes credit for any positive stuff going on in his presidency wether he had a hand on it or not. But the negative, scapegoats everyone else even if he was responsible for it.

You mean it's OK for CNN to lie but it not OK if InfoWars tells the truth?
that seems odd.

I never mentioned anything about CNN you guys automatically think I dick ride CNN, why? Did you get that from Fox news? lol If CNN lies then they are full of shit for lying, same goes for Alex Jones and any biased news outlet.

Getting a little bit defensive are you?
Why might that be?

scapegoats everyone else even if he was responsible for it
What was he "responsible" for?

by the way...had you actually taken the time to READ my post you might have noticed that there are links to
Associated Press
The Washington Examiner
MRC Newsbusters

I did read your post but thanks for assuming. That's why I mentioned fake news Info Wars.


I didn't link to Fox News..but thanks for assuming.
nice bow tie.. silk is it? look rilly cute.

LOL Yeah with this Cro-mag in Chief that would NOT surprise me one single bit if he didn't know the difference between South or North korea. Let's be honest , the guy is dumb as a
rock lol. Just listen to him talk.

As far as the numbers and the Economy. Yeah, you got to give credit where credit is due. However, the economic recovery started well before this moron got to the Oval office. That's just a fact, look at the Data.

The Administration is in a tail spin downward. Now we got Sanders going off the deep end with that "arbitration" thing.

Very sad that nobody wants to work with this guy. Cohn was #fakenews until it actually happened and he left. He can't keep them employed there.

Says a lot about this idiot President

nice move Donald.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Read all about it. :) The Washington Compost even had an article that expressed grudging recognition that President Trump's 'bellicosity' did the trick.

EDIT: If you liked watching Rachel Maddow's meltdown on election night, you'll sure enjoy this!

:/ why he is making mouth like a monkey? :/

hahaha :p funnny

He is too honest for America, but the only problem with him is, he always listens to world lobbyists, he shold take the power of decisions makings in his own hands and stop listening to fool friends of India and others.

Everitt, I really think the problem is a lot of people don't realize left wing, center or right wing news are all fake news, infowars clearly is one of these.