Florida school's security cameras were rewound 20 minutes,

in discussion •  7 years ago 

causing lag in capturing gunman

  • .At one point, police were looking for officer Scot Peterson because he knew where to access the cameras — but Peterson was not in the freshman building at the time. Peterson ultimately resigned on Thursday after Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel revealed the school resource deputy “never went in” the building during the attack despite being on the school campus.

Scott Peterson again...imagine that.

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This is just another point proven that the schools need to have trained personal to protect the schools. You can put a cop out there with just basic police training skills. Put a Vet out there who has a background in protecting and serving. In the big picture of things all America has been doing is showing the world how unprotected our schools are. On that thought alone we are opening ourselves up to an attack on our children much like 911 if not worse.
You can't ever lead the blind.


many many many reasons to home school
this is just one

Home schooling protects one child I think the goal here is to protect all children. This really wouldn't be a solution to the current problem that is going on with in the country.

Home schooling protects most of the kids being home schooled.
Home schooling 'co-ops' = groups of like minded parents could do more
Private schools have better potential to protect and educate kids than public schools.
School voucher systems have the potential to get kids away from the worst schools and into better ones.
Parent participation in the educational processes has increased potential IF they have the guts to take on liberal progressive dogmas
Training and arming qualified individuals faculty at schools has both deterrent and defensive potential.
The worst solution to the problem: require only one answer to this problem

Home school is an option but that's giving in that's living in fear.
I refuse to life my life in fear or my children.
People just need to stand up and defend themselves.
People also don' t realize that no one is going to protect your life like you yourself would. You are the only one that is going to put you first. This police officer not going into the school is proof of that enough.

if you want the job done right..do it yourself.
no giving in or fear involved.
you can trust the state to brainwash your child.
homeschooled kids, regardless of the education of the parents, out perform public school kids academically MOST of the time.
not a little..a LOT.

I agree with you on some of this but not all.
Home schooling is hit or miss. I have served with adults that were home schooled and they were about as dumb as a door knob and have zero social skills but that is the same for public schooling as well.

At the end of the day guns and schools are not the problem. It's people. It's how parents are raising their children and being actually brainwashed by main stream media. Until the world educates itself we will never move forward. We will continue to push the same agenda with little to no results. People are bad and that will never change. People are stupid and that will never change.

Anyone pushing for the removal of any gun is some kind of special and probably spend a lot of time pushing on pull doors.

if you get the chance and are so inclined read some of my posts about the monkeysphere....I got it all figured out.

The problem with people:
gave up core moral values
the moral v immoral paradigm was abandoned
replaced with Amoral by Progressive garbage
there used to be right & wrong
that is no longer allowed
everything is "right"
nothing is "wrong"
vilifying Christianity, Judaism: all things Bible
paved the path to where we are today

If school shootings were the only reason to then Home School
then, no brainer...
but many more reasons to home school
public schools in the US SHOULD be #1 in the world
not way down the list
Progressives have replace STEM with Common Core
common core is all about subduing the common folk
keeping them dumb and primed for the ACLU homosexual agenda
and the Nation of Sheep that one world everything the elite want for us
SHOULD be the core
History is important, but only actual unabridged "history"
Health is important, but only real health, not the mental health garbage imposed by the insanity of liberalism

Well there are also great privete schools. I also believe that they most likely lead in the educational environment. I do believe that mental health is a very real thing.
I know many soldiers that are struggling with mental health real issues after their service ends. Not sure how you think mental health is garbage though?

For those who can afford them
I went to private schools from 8th through 10th
best educational experience of my existance
short of Navy Submarine experiences...
but family could not afford to keep it up
so returned to public schools
bottom line: responsible parents should make the decisions for the education of their children: as long as kids are 'on the family payroll'
they should be educated directly or indirectly by their parents
Not Nancy Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, & company

the last refuge (https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/02/19/school-shooting-was-outcome-of-broward-county-school-board-policy-now-local-and-national-politicians-weaponize-kids-for-ideological-intents/)

explains how this was part of policy...cameras on a delayed feed due to the school and the SROs hiding evidence of crime to keep their stats happy and the government grants flowing

spot on!

Now well ain’t that convenient? Still have not seen a single picture from the crime scene. No helicopter fly overs, maybe I missed that.

if i recall listening to some of the survivors recount what happened..
it took hours...not minutes..for the cops to get involved.

This sounds more like a patsy. For all I know he could have nothing to do with it and he didn't go in because he was told to wait outside while the "drill" is in progress. How convenient that the cameras were rewound, who's going to claim they did it? are we going to chalk it up to gnomes and fairies?

Definitely these are the "endless mysteries"; How many more things happened in this tragedy? It seems that everything was part of a well-taken care of script or this assassin is a genius, is a mage, of the planning. So many clumsiness together are not understood, much less justified.