Have you ever wondered why

in discussion •  7 years ago 

Clouds Stay Up In the Sky?
Clouds are made out of water.
Water is HEAVY
(Eight pounds per gallon)
Sometimes when it rains.
It rains ACRE-FEET of water
(43,560 cubic feet)
Over 174 TONS of water an acre.

What holds it up?

what else could it be?

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but cloud is made of not just water but water vapour and water vapour is lighter than water

I think the brainwipers i mean educators teach that its a gas until it touches a certain temp or humidity or something and then POOF it magically turns into water. Right. They expect us to believe that? Have you ever seen clouds so low it looks like the sky is really close to the ground. Where i work, they criss cross the sky with jet exhaust 6 out of 7 days. They start before sun up and cover the sky with a chemical haze of expanding clouds always in the path of the sunrise and sunset.
And by the way i was in wisconsin last week. Its sinking. Love you man.20170904_182715-1.jpg

we're all gonna die.
the aliens are gonna slowly kill us all.

We're all gonna die.
The aliens are gonna
Slowly kill us all.

                 - everittdmickey

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I could have answered that, but, here it is:

Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-clouds-float-when/

Why do clouds float when they have tons of water in them?

Douglas Wesley, a senior meteorologist in the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET) at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, explains:
The water and ice particles in the clouds we see are simply too small to feel the effects of gravity
The water and ice particles in the clouds we see are simply too small to feel the effects of gravity.
As a result, clouds appear to float on air.
Clouds are composed primarily of small water droplets and, if it's cold enough, ice crystals. The vast majority of clouds you see contain droplets and/or crystals that are too small to have any appreciable fall velocity. So the particles continue to float with the surrounding air. For an analogy closer to the ground, think of tiny dust particles that, when viewed against a shaft of sunlight, appear to float in the air.
Indeed, the distance from the center of a typical water droplet to its edge--its radius--ranges from a few microns (thousandths of a millimeter) to a few tens of microns (ice crystals are often a bit larger).

I, however, do not agree, not completely anyway.

Their argument falls apart when it comes to snow - how can snow, which is lighter and has a much larger surface than water droplets or ice crystals, fall by gravity?

The answer is in the temperature of the air around the cloud. Or, rather, the relative temperature. This kind of cloud exists only in rather hot weather and a large temperature differential between the ground level and the air temperature in the clouds (perhaps due to the jet stream or upper atmosphere air currents).

It will also need to have the right moisture content in the hot rising air to condense into the ice crystals - I don't think that they are tiny water droplets in these clouds or it will rain.

The water and ice particles in the clouds we see are simply too small to feel the effects of gravity

R U Sirius?

I did not say that. It was from:
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-clouds-float-when/

I said:

I, however, do not agree, not completely anyway.
Their argument falls apart when it comes to snow - how can snow, which is lighter and has a much larger surface than water droplets or ice crystals, fall by gravity?
The answer is in the temperature of the air around the cloud. Or, rather, the relative temperature. This kind of cloud exists only in rather hot weather and a large temperature differential between the ground level and the air temperature in the clouds (perhaps due to the jet stream or upper atmosphere air currents).

I copied and pasted from your reply.
Either way it's wrong.

But...in the spirit of the post consider this.


That means mass is very concentrated energy.
Water Ice floats...that means it's not as dense as water.
When energy (heat) is added to ice it's density increases when it melts...

When energy (heat) is added to water it...it becomes water vapor (steam)
Steam is LESS dense than water and air and it...

Er...wait a minute...what's going on here?

I copied and pasted from your reply.
Either way it's wrong.

I copied from Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-clouds-float-when/

And I disagreed with the entire quoted "explanation". Disagree or wrong - isn't that the same?

my point was:
for these clouds to be present, there must be a complex system of flow and thermal processes changing moisture in the hot rising air to condensate and to ice crystals and circulate and melt into water droplets and then to steam.

Why do I say that?

Do you cook? In some cooking processes, you could see similar flows and heating and cooling processes that create shapes like that.

In any case, the heating and cooling processes in these clouds are turbulent and high energy processes and thunderstorm often result from these processes.

The water and ice particles in the clouds we see are simply too small to feel the effects of gravity

I just noticed where this was published.
Oddly enough LIGHT is effected by gravity.
(gravitational lensing)

Poor old 'Scientific American'...it's not like what it used to be.

If I wanted to give a long answer, I would have to bring in my Chemical Engineering background prior to going into AI.

I obtained a Chemical Engineering degree in 3 years completing a 4-year curriculum.

Chemical engineering is not just about chemistry, but all aspects of processing elements that could go through chemical reactions, but, often not.

The introductory courses include fluid flow and thermal dynamics - heat exchanges.

So, to understand the processes in a cloud, I would have to simulate it in a controlled environment.

One summer, I had a summer job as a lab assistant. My job is to photograph a falling water droplet in the lab in air flow to measure the sizes of water droplets using high-speed camera and strobe light.

In my graduate work, I simulated a melting nuclear reactor to determine the heat exchange - to prove or disprove the "China Syndrom" - if the molten core will melt the floor of the nuclear reactor and go through the earth's core and come out in China - I knew it was ridiculous, but it was funded by the DOE.

Ok...I'm impressed.
You are an engineer.

I worked on this project:


It uses the German Lurgi process, refined in SASOL.

And All I got was a d... acrylic wedge encasing the $2.2 billion loan guarantee from the US government.

so sad...you should have received a T-shirt...too.
damn cheapskates.

check out the project! It was a success story that no politicians want to touch.

why does everyone make 'jumpy' websites nowdays?
hates them I do...and I imagine it does bad things for photo-sensitive epileptics.
perhaps they should sue?

but I digress.
Even if it wasn't for the very distracting and headache inducing website gymnastics.
It lost me at the word 'carbon capture'.
CO2 is plant food.
They're trying to starve plants.
they're trying to kill us all.