
in discussion •  7 years ago 

doesn’t produce great scientists?

  • Hollywood can be said to be in the professional business of lying and suspending rational thought. In a sense, actors and directors are professional liars – they work to make seem real a work of fantasy. They work diligently to make you accept what you see on the screen as a reality, although it is an illusion of someone else’s making. Actor X is adjudged a star if he is able to take the words of someone else, the script, and deliver a performance on screen that fools us into believing that that actor is the fictitious character. No original thinking is necessary; the actor is parroting the ideas of someone else.

In other news..they have the morals of a billy goat...sexual deviates everyone.

and now that other guy...what's his name?

I apologize to the BillyGoat.

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If all Hollywood go on strike for 10 thousand years not much would be affected. If garbage bickers, police or fire fighters go on strike for days, federal government will declare martial law. But look at the paycheck difference. We have a lot to learn how we should evaluate /appreciate things.

I call it hollyweird and they are. Got to admit they can make some pretty good special effects but that's about all they can do. Lately the acting and the writing has gone from bad to worse...if not for the CGI they'd be in a world of hurt.

Oh wait..
They ARE in a world of hurt...this summer's blockbusters...weren't.

When we finish the race to the top, the next and only race would be to the bottom.

They are puppets for money. I thought that some actors are really smart but they voted for Hillary.

Then you have guys like Keanu Reeves who stays out of that shit and just does his thing.

He also lives parts of what he portrays in movies. He is a very skilled shooter for example.

ANYTIME you involve poly-ticks you INSTANTLY alienate half of your fans.

Agree "uuuh he is not left wing like i am" stops watching his movies

thanks forsharing hollywood science..very nice post...upvoted.