Man Breaks Into Home With ‘Smith & Wesson Spoken Here’ Sign,

in discussion •  7 years ago 

Gets Shot on Sight

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Classic!!! haha!!

There is a house a couple of streets away that sports a sign that says, "there is nothing we have worth dying for" and below the words is the picture of a gun. I like that one too.

{As a retired EFL teacher, I can see that the grammar is too complicated for non-English speakers.}

Better sign:
Picture + words
"We have guns!

You come in, we shoot!"

EFL? Forgive my ignorance, but it probably means the same thing as Michigan CPL (Concealed Pistol License) class. Yes?

Sorry, I've been a teacher for so long that I assumed this abbreviation was well-known. EFL = English as a Foreign Language (learned in a country where it is not official), which contrasts with ESL = English as a Second Language (learned in a country where it IS official).

Thank you, sir! I have a "thing" about acronyms. My career was in contract engineering, over 60 contracts with over 40 companies, and every one of them had a set of acronyms I had to struggle through. They are what we call "tribal Knowledge" or something that only the user knows its meaning which creates confusion in a work team.

Acronyms certainly have their place. They save time, but they also have a dark side.

Totalitarian regimes seem to have a special love for inventing them:

Nazi = NA tionalso ZI alismus (nationalsozialismus, national socialism)
SiPo = SI cherheits PO lizei ( Sicherheitspolizei, Security Police)
kapo = KA meradschaft PO lizei (Kameradschaftpolize, prisoner functionary)

gulag = (G* U pravlenie LAG erei I mest zakljuchenija (Glavnoye Upravlenie Lagerei i mest zakljuchenija, "Main Camps' Administration")
agitprop = agitation + propaganda

ANTIFA = Anti-facist

Yes, antifa is also an excellent example of an acronym that actually means the opposite of what it proclaims(the antifas are the ones who believe in suppressing free speech), another mark of modern chaos. Sigh ...

Natures genetic pruning, is a wonderful thing...



"genetic pruning" that's an excellent way to put it!

best door sign ever

Public places need signs like this to keep from becoming killing zones:
guns ok.webp

There's a sign a couple doors down that says "We don't dial 911, 'cuz our 1911 is dialed in."

Target practice!

ha! perfect post.