Oh Yeah!

in discussion •  7 years ago 

Reports Of ‘Zombie’ Raccoons Scare Homeowners, Puzzle Police

  • “He would stand up on his hind legs, which I’ve never seen a raccoon do before, and he would show his teeth and then he would fall over backward and go into almost a comatose condition,” Robert Coggeshall told WKBN.

No mention was made regarding recoil.

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Haha! I never bothered to even click those articles. Come on now, zombie raccoons?! Headlines that blow things out of proportion to get attention irritate me and I won't click on them. :/

ClickBait is what they are called.
that would be almost ALL headlines...by definition.

So annoying. If they had titled it, 'Raccoon populations suffering from disease outbreak: what you should know', I MIGHT have clicked on it. You know, I have livestock, this may be relevant to me. But 'Zombie Raccoons!'
Nah. Ill pass...

Journalists..what can I say?

It's crazy, haha.
Perhaps its the average audience, looking for sensational headlines and fluff articles to avoid any real thinking...

Nice post @everittdmickey, don't forget to check out my blog to..

sounds like rabies.

Have these people ever seen a raccoon before? A raccoon standing up on it's hind legs is not unusual. If it falls over into a coma, yes it has a problem and is goin to die.