One More Example (of thousands) that the Federal Government

in discussion •  7 years ago  (edited)

Is not rational!

They're gonna destroy an abandoned oil platform that's been in place for decades, and has a diverse ecosystem that grew around it over time.


They're going to DESTROY the platform, and the ecosystem, and thousands of fish.

Because they fear, that the platform that MIGHT be destroyed by a storm, (although it has weather countless such) MIGHT damage the gulf's ecosystem IF it leaks oil when it's MIGHT be destroyed.

Ignoring the inconvenient fact..that the well is DRY (that's why it was abandoned in the first place)

They want to destroy it in order to save it?
Sounds like something from the Vietnam war

Not only That
untold thousand of barrels of oil leak into the gulf every year..from NATURAL OIL SEEPS

The Federal Government is beyond insane...

It's criminally STOOPID.

We need a WHOLE lot less of it.
Smaller government...less harm.

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I had an irish friend that used to say as he disembarked from the aircraft: " what sort of government do you have here, because I'm against it!" I feel the same way about ours. The political correctness, the falsehoods and the total incompetence are beyond belief! Thanks for the thoughts. I have followed and will keep abreast of your posts.

From observation it would appear that anytime a government gets beyond a certain, very small, size it becomes irrational.

I so agree. Large government cannot exist without corruption. The people who rise up to powerful positions no longer get held accountable b/c they never come in contact with the real population. They create a world designed to protect and perpetuate their power and affluence.

Perhaps we could organize a contest of sorts: the Annual Porky/Oinky Awards (= porkbarrel)?

(1) Compile regional (state by state or county by county) lists of the most irrational, useless and expensive projects (being sure to highlight whatever makes each project outrageous)

(2) Convert the lists into short videos, T-shirts, songs or whatever.

(3) Vote on the best-executed, most moving projects (in each of several categories) with the potential to go viral.

**(4) Hold an awards ceremony with suitable prizes

A darwin award for gooberment?

seems there was a senator that did that back in the day...porkmire? cocksmear...?...forget his name...

the problem would be IMHO...that the bar would be SO LOW...and there would be SO many awards...kinda like hyperinflation?


Concentrated firepower on selected high-value targets rather than a scattergun approach could solve the problem of too many "awards"

best to develop a high technolgy which would empower individuals in a widely distributed, highly redundant, massively parallel fashion
such as 3D printing, inexpensive CNC tools and material, the internet and the blockchain.

Agree, but it doesn't have to be an either-or situation. Some people are actively working to destroy western society, poking multiple holes in our civilizational dikes (dykes?). One of our many jobs is to drag the malefactors away from our dikes (and keep the dykes company?)

could be..
but I have a feeling not.
I suspect that western society is undergoing a metamorphisis
let those people who are actively working to destroy the hull of the so
a new form of lifestyle, a new type of society has no need of it.
widely distributed, massively parallel and hugely single point of failure...tremendous wealth..

I hear ya darlin. they'll tear down this old oil well to save it.... yet they'll also dump millions of dollars of military equipment, helicopters, vehicles etc... into the ocean, 'cause it's cheaper to do that, than bring all their toys home with them.

not just 'tear it down'...the proposal is to use high explosives. The blast will kill thousands of fish and other marine order to save them from the dangers potential pollution.

How rational is that?

common sense within any government or agency is decidedly uncommon.


So many times they make dumb moves that I just totally do not understand. I see no way of stopping them from doing it though. It seems the more we complain, the worse it gets.

the bigger the gubberment.
the stupider it gets.
the government that governs best...
governs least.

support trump.
he's trying to drain the swamp.

destroying nature is betraying humanity

gooberments are not human.

Why the destruction 🤔

It is a very harmful thing, it needs to be brought in surveillance so that no natural disasters happen.
Thank you
