Parkland Florida School Shooting

in discussion •  7 years ago 


  • The Shooter was a 'time bomb' waiting to go off - other students said
  • The School Administration did nothing
  • The Police 'vistited' his home 39 times
  • They did nothing
  • The FBI had him on their watch list
  • They did nothing
  • The democrats were in a tight spot due to the Russian Collusion fiasco.
  • the time bomb went OFF
  • Armed Deputies who could have stopped him...didn't
  • CNN scripted the post shooting Town Hall questions.
  • Crisis Actors Everywhere.
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Ask any police officer why they do not take appropriate actions against a dangerous person. You'll be mortified by the list of laws that prevent them from doing anything.

I've done drive-alongs with police officers, and I was amazed how often officers chose to just act like they didn't notice someone breaking the law, even though these officers can smell a liar before they even open their mouths. "I'm going to let you off with a warning", is their go-to phrase when they know their supervisors won't support an arrest or ticket.

The rules in recent years about how and officer must deal with a dangerous person who might have a mental illness is extremely debilitating to what a police officer is allowed to do. Any crazy person with a weapon can get away with murder before it is too late.

tell me again what good they are?
why do we pay a LOT of money for cops?

So you can have the illusion that the government is taking good care of you.

I have a family member in a branch of law enforcement who can attest to what @creativetruth said. The previous administration put out so many restrictive policies and red tape on the way they should do their job, that they were effectively unable to do their jobs any more.

If they are 'unable to do their job' and they've not been doing it for the last decade or so
that tells me that the job hasn't been done....and yet we survive.
so why do we need them again?

I didn't phrase that well. They were still doing their jobs, just not as effectively as they could or normally should have. Lets just say the current administration is turning that around and it's having an effect.

even so.
I'm a law abiding citizen
I've never even had a traffic ticket in the last 25 years...perhaps two in my life (moving violations)
I try to avoid trouble.
and yet.
Every dam encounter I've had with a cop has been a BAD one.
My life experience has taught me to be more afraid of cops than the bad guys (I can and have taken care of the bad guys myself when need be)

I say get rid of em.
All they are is revenue collectors.

Going back to your point that "the job hasn't been done...and yet we survive" it's kind of ironic you commented that on a post about 17 dead people. The job wasn't done, and they didn't survive. Kate Steinle didn't survive. The list goes on of people who are dead because they were killed by people who should not have been running around loose in the first place if law enforcement had been able to properly do their job.

But ultimately, the blood is on the hands of people higher up than law enforcement. What good is it if law enforcement does pull dangerous people off the streets, if the courts and politicians and public opinion let them loose again? I think that is what's broken. Then you have those same politicians and public opinion handcuffing the cops. "You can't use race when describing a suspect cuz that's racist" well good luck finding criminals when you leave a key descriptor out. "You can't tag people as gang members cuz that's racist" well good luck combating gang problems then. "You can't detain illegal immigrants" well good luck removing the people who are here as fugitives from justice in their home countries--and then commit the same crimes here. Politicians and the Left have prioritized the feelings (and the votes!) of certain collectives over public safety, and then when those policies go south they scapegoat law enforcement.

I'm not saying all cops are good, there are certainly bad ones just as in any other profession, but I think it's throwing the baby out with the bath water to declare them all bad as well. I think as with any facet of government their scope of work should be limited as much as possible, just not in the ridiculous red tape fashion I described above.

the kids did not survive BECAUSE of law enforcement
they were in a gunfree zone remember?
following the law.
if they broke the law what would have happened?
the cops would have arrested them...right?

Sadly the lives lost are not coming back...

On the FBI watch list and yet do nothing. Such an excuse shouldn't be given. For the police to visit anyone 39 times, it means that person is no good and should have been contained before hand. This guy has no humanitarian feeling