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We have the technology in a sense, that if we decided to do it, we could. But not in a sense that it is economically viable. Sure we could build a base on the moon, but for it to be worth anything, should everyone on earth died, it would cost us an insane amount of capital.

I'm reminded of an old saying
"the cowards stayed behind, the weak died along the way'

For a moon base to sustain a viable population (at least a few thousand) for an indeterminate amount of time, should earth go away, would be an insanely difficult undertaking. I don't think any single nation could do it currently.

failure of imagination.
a fairly rich rancher from texas could do it.

I think you are underestimating the difficulty of it all. Just sustaining the food production on the moon would be really hard.

I am NOT speaking of the MOON!
I'm talking about hollowing out a Co-orbital asteroid that passes
rilly rilly close to the earth
using ROBOTS.
building a habitat inside
using ROBOTS
and raw material found IN the asteroid
then moving people in
after it's ALL DONE..

Easy peasy. Whether it'd be moon, asteroid or another planet. The problems are largely the same. It is really hard and expensive. We could do it, but not in the current political climate of plans for few years at a time. It would take considerably longer.