
in discussion •  7 years ago  (edited)

Anyone? Wanna live cheap?
Want to be able to weigh anchor and move at any time?
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40% of the world's population lives within 100 km (about 63 miles) of the sea.(not counting rivers and lakes)

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Looks cool, but what happens when big waves hit such a boat in a storm? Wouldn't the vehicle be tossed into the drink? A small submarine might be better: if caught at sea or far away from a marina, just submerge until the storm subsides.

There's an old saying...use the proper tool for the proper application (or something like that)
The houseboats pictured are for sheltered inland waters, rivers and lakes.
If you were to live in the open sea a different design would be required.
Actually a sub is not a bad idea.

Like the bamboo looking one a lot. Would love to see the inside of these house boats

I'm pretty sure that's called rattan. Might be wrong, though.

Pretty sure you're right because thats the word I couldn't remember lol

I love the one about the size of a bed, jungle room on the water baby

I'm always a supporter of a transient lifestyle (definitely have gypsy genes somewhere in my DNA)...

How is you project coming along matey?

I just got back from working on it.
It's coming along.
I'm preparing to lay the keel and then start adding stuff from there.

laying something something adding stuff. Cool!

You have a (rough) completion time?

nope..too many variables.
Years most likely.

That would be great, but there aren't very many rivers in this great plain of Texas.

What part of Texas do you live in?
I was born and raised on the Llano Estacado.
It's right in the middle of the best fishing there is..
Drive 300 miles in any direction and there's a lake, a river full of fish.

I was a grown kid before I knew that 'outside' water wasn't brown.
All I'd seen were 'playa lakes' that only had water in em once in a while.

I live on the edge of the caprock, and lived a bit further north, along the palo duro. Lots of empty plains and narrow bits of canyons, but very few rivers. The big lakes are enclosed and don't have tributaries or feeders.

I'm from PlainView...perhaps you've heard of it. My son lives near Kress.

I've 'invented' several boats in my head that'd go down the Red River to the Gulf.
My latest brainstrain is the boat van...the van pulls a trailer that transforms into a boat..that carries the van and uses it for power...

I think it's be fairly easy to build for someone who knows how to weld.

Son of a.......I know plainview really well. I was born 20 miles north in Tulia. My Grandparents lived in Kress. I'm going to guess that you probably knew my mom and uncle, and maybe my dad.
Small world, isn't it?

My wife had family in of Smith.
He had a farm outside of town and we'd go shoot prairie dogs.
I grew up in wasn't until ten years after I got out of high school that I came back to the area, bought the place that my son lives on outside of Kress and lived there for a decade or so.

I don't know many people..I don't play well with others.

Let me throw a few last names at you. Whitmire, White, Vaughn, Hartsell. My grandad was a local farmer and supporter of FFA and FH.
Smith. Which Smith?
Yep, it's a small world.

I knew a gal name of white in high school..gail white I think her name was. Vaugh sounds familiar.

I gadufretted from highschool in '69...three hundred in my graducating class...I knew about ten fairly well.

Don Smith?...wife's name was Abbey..daughter (only child) was Bethy Gail

My wife's name was smith....our families came to the high plains while the buffalo still roamed.

odd Dad worked at Magard and Nall motor company for the entire time it was in business...forty years or more. He was the parts manager...he knew everyone who drove a car in the county (seemed like)

My father in law worked at "flash o gas'..for the entire time IT was in buisnes..thru four changes of ownership;..he knew everyone for four counties around...

My wife managed Mrs. Bairds thrift store...SHE knew thousands of people.

When I'm asked on an employment application to name five people not related to me for references...I'm stuck.

I would love it! Getting rocked to sleep every night, easy to move your house, no packing needed, lol.
My ex had a friend who live full time on one on the upper Mississippi River. He did say it was very inexpensive compared to renting an apartment. If you move you do have to have someone move your vehicle to your new location though.

I like that one that looks like it was folded! Hey Ev, what do you know about those new Tesla semi-trucks?

Pretty awesome ain't they?
Problem is that the batteries by them selves would cost over a hundred grand...without the truck.
The last truck I bought back in 2000 cost One Hundred and fifty grand...they've got WAY more expensive since then.

What I'm wondering is is they generate enough power to haul a load???

that's not the point.
the one's pictured are representative of proposed small, one person or single family dwelling.
they don't haul..they're homes that move...a little bit.

I suspect @richq11 meant the trucks, not the houseboats =p

I don't even like the water that much but this still looks like something I could end up doing. Right now I'm planning to live in a van since I want to be mobile.

put the van on a boat... attach and detach wheels to the boat when you need them
when it's in the water and the van in on's a boat (powered by the van..treadmill?)

when it's on land the van pulls it..
go where you want to go.

I've done thought this through, long ago. Use gears whenever possible, as belts lose ~20% of the power (slippage). It's easy enough to make a special rim which you put on the rig when powering the marine drive, with a nice toothed gear welded to it.

Gears do lose power, but a lot less.

Also, in the Gulf, you'd face real weather, so consider robust V hull (the Steem Dreem has a nice hull), and making the van of fiberglass or stainless. At the least, superlative maintenance and ongoing rust proofing will be requisite.

Ordinary steel and iron last but a year or two before starting to flake away, without constant greasing and painting, in contact with salt water. Zinc. Think Zinc, as sacrificial zinc plates preserve steel by attracting the ions that cause rust.

Wow. Never would've thought of that. A Ban or a Voat

If i have a change, i would prefer live in there instead of cities. Good post bro, thank you for sharing.

what's stopping you?
Aren't MOST cities on rivers or lakes? Don't they all have marina's. Don't most of the marina's have access to public transportation..and internet? How much does a full-service slip cost compared to an apartment?

BONUS...if you don't like where you live.. weigh anchor and leave.

Yes, i agree with you. You're absolutely right. The thing what is stopping me is university... One day may be i can prefer. Who knows...

I like the van boat...I've been thinking about it all day.
It's be pretty simple to build one I think

It is prohibitively expensive to live in a marina in OR. Something about utilities, fire service, yada yada yada. I have lived on a houseboat in AK, and it was a fine kettle of fish - if you very much like fish, that is.

[edit: I suddenly remember sinking it during a three day rampage. I remember a friend lighting the woodstove with gasoline, and blowing it up. Oops!]

I actually had plans to build something like the vanboat, of a schoolie I lived in once. Was gonna log my way over a hill, and craft a raft of the logs, use the industrial 366 as a winch to drag the bus up the hill (after the logs), and then winch it down to the beach, where I'd drop the driveline through a slot and connect a prop.

Not quite as easy as I thought it was gonna be, so I rented a space in an RV park instead =p

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Aw love to live there for vacation or something when you're stress and want to be alone to think. Love the 7th one!!!! 😊

i have lot of interest about new technology

@thank you for sharing

it was an amazing photos, all boat is nice, thanks for nice photos

I can just see it now,the new water displacement tax....

Thats no joke. They probably have ways of taxing the water you float on :(

if you listen to the video the van-boat only draws four inches.
how deep is the water in your bathtub?

That would depend on a mass of factors...

nope..just one factor.
Water weighs about sixty pounds per cubic foot.
that means a flatboat that's six foot by ten foot by a foot (sixty cubic foot) deep displaces
3600 lbs....damn near two tons.
you can put damn near two tons onit and it'd float.
To hold a van (or almost any'd have to be wider and longer than it wouldn't need to be as deep.
(check my math...math is hard..and I did it in my haid...I probably made a mistake)

Remember that the ocean isn't flat. You want significant freeboard (height above the mean water level to the gunnels) to safely ride over waves...

Unless you make... a Submarine!!!


like this?

The typical owner would handle a submersible living space bubble habitat (i avoid the word submarine due to the misleading coffin perception) as a simple yacht that is in almost all of its aspects a yacht, just absolute storm safe, seasickness free, burglar safe, and maintenance cost free.

Sign me up - but paint mine yellow!