The Claim that Antartica is Melting

in discussion •  7 years ago 

Is Bogus


  • Antarctic coastal surface stations show no warming
  • The Claimed melting is an Artefact of statistical torture
  • One decade is not climate, it's just weather.
  • Reality: Antarctic ice area growing rapidly
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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great chart. Whenever a narrative is repeated so many times that regular people start parroting it, you know it's gotta be a lie. I would love to see how many times per year our media puts out a story claiming this or that clear "evidence" that climate is warming. After all, with this kind of evidence, who in their right mind except for idiots would argue our planet isn't in grave danger. They would have us immediately gather up $1T and give it to every far left organization so they can continue to fund their life saving research. In reality, we need less climate scientists and more engineers working on real problems and creating real opportunities.

Great topic!! I have been trying to tell people for the past 20 years that there is no such thing as "global warming", or the implication that it is manmade rather. These damn global closet environmentalists(note that "mental" is what these people are) keep trying to make the case for it, yet anytime i ask one of them "what percentage of the warming is caused by mankind, and what percentage is natural occurance?" not one damned soul can give me an answer...any answer. They always come back with "does it really matter? it all hurts the environment" to which i reply yes it matters, because you are creating theory from an incomplete set of data. you must know how much greenhouse gasses are produced from all areas, not just man made. then i explain to them that on the earth at any given time there are usually at least 3 active volcanoes which are belching more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere daily than all humanity combined puts into the atmosphere in a week. If you do not know what is occuring naturally how can you make the theory that mankind is to blame for increased tempuratures. that isn't even taking into account that the earth has a climate cycle of about 25k-32k years...we call it the ICE AGE, which is simply the low temp of the cycle, and now we are simply heading into the maximum of the range again... those idiots.

on the earth at any given time there are usually at least 3 active volcanoes

there are a great many more.
at the present time there are 24 active volcanoes on land.

and who the hell knows how many underwater...the estimates ranges in the thousands..

If an estimate of 4,000 volcanoes per million square kilometers on the floor of the Pacific Ocean is extrapolated for all the oceans than there are more than a million submarine (underwater) volcanoes.

the reason one small part of Antarctica IS melting is because there are active volcanoes below it.

Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet

We All Nearly Missed The Largest Underwater Volcano Eruption Ever ...

LOL... which is why i said "at least" , i simply know there are always active volcanoes on this globe we call home, which is why i didn't say 1.... but for sure there are more than three, just wasn't sure of the number... i feel that sometimes it is a win with liberals if you can get them to realize one or two facts. i would hope that if i could do that effectively they would use their brain and connect the dots to the rest of them. i mean you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink...they'd call it water boarding.

This image is not a factual representation of Antarctica, AND I OBJECT MOST VOCIFEROUSLY...
(unless we were lied to about polar bears! or did global warming make them extinct...ahh! thats it!)

good catch

The worst case of scientific prostitution I have ever seen! I have looked at the data, and the collection methods; and I would have flunked any lab experiment done so badly!

One other thing, those supporting this need to be removed from any and all scientific endeavor! This is no different from a Pharmacist cooking meth! >:(

The worst case of scientific prostitution I have ever seen!
Oh Shirley...not the worst case.
As long as 'research' is paid for by government that is a VERY high bar.

Granted, it is a high bar; with large companies paying for bad science too! But these Scientific Whores are responsible for the most flagrant abuse of the Scientific method in modern times!


WHY would large companies, that depend on profit to exist, spend money on bad science?

Say you are Monsanto, and you want to convince people that a Carcinogen is really a weed killer....

They are still there, they changed their name to Bayer in a buyout, but they are still there. Sad to say! :(

yes, really sad

Monsanto products feed millions of people.
Will they starve now?
Will you be happy?

Not as bogus as that first picture ;-) map.jpg


that was the whole point of the first picture.
it was bogus...
good catch.
you get a cookie

I'm on a low carbohydrate diet, so I'll pass on the 🍪 😁 I personally keep being amazed about the passion some people have about subjects like these. In my mythpunk story I have an ancient secret society working to maintain global warming in an attempt to stop the Holocene from ending (and keep the Jotnar from returning). One beta reader recently objected to the 'political statement' my story was making. Hope it doesn't come back to bite me, as I have absolutely zero desire to make any kind of political statements when I write fiction, but without joking, the Holocene has been with us quite long as interglacials go, and it shouldn't be controversial that in fact the current interglacial might indeed be about to end.
I'm in the Netherlands, so either way, major climate change will be a bitch over here. Major sea level rice won't be cool for us over here, but if the previous ice age is anything to go by, neither would a new ice age. I really couldn't care less about any political side to the issue. Just keep being amazed how people keep thinking I'm trying to make statements (either political, or with an earlier work, theological) when we are just doing our thing, writing fiction.

when the interglacial ends.
the sea level goes DOWN>
you should appreciate that in the netherlands.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yup, but then there are is this:


Where the glaciers ended the last three times around. The yellow line goes right where my house is ;-)

A positive trend in the Antarctic sea ice cover is intriguing because it appears physically counterintuitive to what is expected from global warming observations.
The positive sea ice trend might be in part the result of stratospheric ozone depletion that has caused a deepening of the lows in the West Antarctic region.

The atmospheric conditions over the area between the Antarctic Peninsula and the Ross Sea are controlled primarily by the Amundsen Sea low, which gives rise to the climatological southerly winds over the Ross and Amundsen Seas. The interannual variability of the sea ice extent in the Ross Sea sector has been significantly correlated with the strength of the southerly winds over the Ross Sea and the depth of the Amundsen Sea low

Stronger southerly winds and more vigorous coastal polynya formation along the Ross Ice Shelf boundary would increase sea ice production in the region as has been observed.

Others have linked the positive trend in ice cover to a freshening of Antarctic seawater, but model experiments suggest that the magnitude of this contribution cannot account for the observed ice increase. Some attribute the trend to changes in atmospheric circulation resulting from changes in the southern annular mode and ENSO and the greater frequency of La Niña events since the late 1990s.

Global warming is a joke. All it has been is about a massive expansion of government power, socialist redistribution of wealth and the enrichment of a few connected insiders associated with the cabal.

pretty much.