There is an inherent paradox in the conspiracy theories of global mind control.

in discussion •  7 years ago 

If they were that good, we wouldn’t know we were being controlled.

Ergo they are either rubbish at it, or we are being misdirected into thinking we are being controlled when we really are being controlled!

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some what along the lines of my earlier post

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At certain times, I'd really appreciate being mind controlled.

Wasn't that the reason for marriage? :)

images (7).jpg

Always on the edge of truth... Good one.

thank you.
was I too subtle you think?

Nope, Just right.

Do people thing there is global mind control going on?
(as in an active global program?)

not so you could notice.

yes think. lol

Me neither..(cnn are giving it a good go though..)

Centuries of studying human behavior, enhanced with massive intelligence gathering and analysis has taught the "controllers" to hide in plain site.
Inundate the masses with controversy, they won't have a clue what is actually happening.

THAT would explain it.
it's WIMMEN!
Reciprocal Stephford wives
or WORSE....democrats

I don't think I'm going to adjust well to the new world...

have a snickers.