Trump's Momentous First Year

in discussion •  7 years ago 

In opposition to the Dhmikrats and their propaganda and terrorists arms
you know who they are
with ZERO help from the Rinos
an incomplete list

The economy has taken an unprecedented move towards the better.
GDP is moving upwards. Most are forecasting close to 4% growth in 2018.
New jobs are increasing monthly.
Manufacturing jobs are returning to the country for the first time in thirty years.
The bleeding of corporations leaving the country has stopped.
Corporations have begun to reinvest in American factories and interests.
Trade deals are being renegotiated to our economic benefit.
The first major tax cut legislation in thirty years was just signed into law.
Massive amounts of regulation have been cut, spurring business optimism.
Consumer optimism is higher than in the past two decades.
The coal industry in our country has been revived.
Pipelines for oil have been released for construction completion.
We have expanded oil drilling, even in ANWAR.
We are virtually energy independent as a nation.
Our energy businesses have become exporters.
Our stock market is through the roof, up 30%, new highs almost daily.
Business optimism has not been higher. Atlas stopped shrugging.
The horrid Obamacare individual mandate was torpedoed.
Justice Neal Gorsuch was voted to the Supreme Court.
Trump appointed more judges in his first year than any other President.
He is remaking the judiciary in a conservative image as he promised.
He has slowed illegal immigration to a level not seen in thirty years.
He is destroying MS 13, and other illegal immigrant gangs.
He is speaking openly of ending chain immigration.
He has successfully gone after ISIS, virtually driving them into the ground.
He has acknowledged Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel.
He has reset our alliance with Israel.
He is quietly helping to remake a Middle East that is a bulwark against Iran.
He has quietly reset our alliance with the new leaders of Saudi Arabia.
He is quietly reversing the horrible Iranian deal left us by Obama.
He has been the first President to stand against the insanity of North Korea.
He has connected with the Chinese leadership, enlisting them as allies.
He has pulled out of TPP, beginning negotiation on a better deal.
He is renegotiating NAFTA.
He has pulled us out of the ridiculous and harmful Paris Climate Accord.
He has begun to dismantle the corruption of climate data by our bureaucracies.
He has reset an agenda for space exploration by NASA.
He has brought hope to the mission of our military.
He has worked and enacted better care and treatment for our Veterans.
He is redefining our mission in national security with his speech last week.
He has put the United Nations on notice for their arrogant nonsense.
He has and is exposing the national media for the leftist activism base it is.
He has fought the self-tarnished media more effectively than any other.
He has exposed the Democratic Party as corrupt, issueless, and powerless.
He has exposed the fecklessness, and fraud of the GOP.
He is quietly remaking the GOP from their own ashes.
He has exposed the deep state to public view. And is just beginning.
He is exposing the corruption of our bureaucracies by the Obama administration.
He is exposing the insanity of the hard left, and their utter lack of decency.
He has driven mad the constituency of #nevertrumpers on the right. Exposed.
Last mentioned: he has earned the unity and praise of the elected GOP. Which has been well deserved. This is one we on the right should all applaud.

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He increased the debt to the highest levels ever. Made some tweets about my country, the UK, that make him look like a fool. Seemed to have problems walking down steps and drinking water from a bottle. Had problems with his teeth while delivering an important speech. I have no idea what's wrong with him but I don't see how having him as leader can be good for the US? I'm not a liberal and these are all things I've observed with my own eyes, so no fake news.

Had problems with his teeth while delivering an important speech


As opposed to marxist sociopathic scum like obama and killary?

I'm not sure you can label him as the one who has increased "the debt to the highest levels ever" as Obama literally doubled the national debt during his 8 years in office. Whether the new tax plan will or will not work - that is another story, but I'd rather more money in my wallet then in the governments and not be forced to have health care.

I think a true conservative wouldn't ignore the elephant in the room. Just because previous presidents built up a massive debt, should we think it's OK for him to carry on increasing it? At least he is helping to kill the dollar and boost the price of crypotocurrency.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

but ur claim is that trump has increased the debt to the highest levels ever - which is not correct! He can't be blamed for what past presidents did. Just like it was wrong to blame Obama for the financial crisis, because it had nothing to do with policies he implemented as president... although one can argue on what he was doing as senator during the time those legislations were implemented.

Also, I don't consider myself conservative or liberal.

actually he's reduced the must be thinking about the Kenyan.

The debt is increasing. I know politicians like to manipulate the numbers and try to make it look like they're reducing it but until I see this go under 20 trillion, I wont believe them

odd how the debt was not important when the Kenyan was increasing it.;

It was, just as it was when Bush was increasing it. I can understand liberals ignoring it, that's what they do, I can't understand conservatives making it worse. It's the same in the UK, the labour party made a huge debt, as they allways seem to but the conservatives have just added to it. How long can that go on for?

I long?
Is the TOTAL debt the number we should be concerned with?
the ratio of debt to earning.
the GNP is over 18 trillion dollars.
How much is YOUR debt compared to your yearly income?

I like looking at the actual debt, because most of the other numbers are too easy to manipulate. When the debt is going up, the government is spending more than it's bringing in. They can try and justify it but I wouldn't have a huge debt and keep spending more than I'm earning, I just don't see how that's a good idea. Perhaps it wont be a problem if the economy grows a lot but it seems like a huge gamble and guess who pays if it goes wrong?

never mind...

I just realized the message I thought I linked to you... is only a click-user-link (not a reply), so... I'll post it here (not to interfere with your new posts) since its past the week mark..glad i checked that.

This one from me...was really - about you!

Your post was a HUGE (YUUGE) hit, sadly many are well down the road vets (all services and age groups) and one is a WWII USA-8th Air Corps and career AF. They really liked it..alot, they will never do Steem.. wanted you to know.

thanx...I do what I can
Steem On.

Domestically excellent.

Internationally, business wise, excellent.

Foreign policy - v. disappointing.
(but in fairness, I think the deep state is running the moment.)

You can't turn a super tanker in 10 minutes.

The man is such a wonderful man

Hooah - Oorah - Hooyah and Wild Blue Wonder - POTUS!

Off your list I have not seen anything negative!

Thanks everittdmickey . I always feel smarter after reading your posts. Please keep sharing your thoughts. interesting post

Mr. Mickey - that was really a wonderful post (kinda of your MO they're all pretty darn good)... I wanted to say that and not the hoopla I had done, it just felt...real good.

thank you.