Why Should We Believe ANYTHING We’re Told by Media – Your Morning Cuppa Noxsoma Steem: April 10, 2018 (Video)

in discussion •  7 years ago 

by Noxsoma Project

Good Morning Steemit Society; This may be my last Cuppa Steem for a while. We’re moving on to...

Where do you stand on the news of the Chemical Attack in Syria?

Authentic? Hoax? False flag?
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Your answer most likely depends, not only on where you get your information, but how deeply you are educated/indoctrinated into the system of Empire.

Naively I expect Peoples of Colour to reject the information spewed out by the legacy media particularly because similar events have been perpetrated against “us” in our own history. [Is this racist?] However, as Brown people, especially is the US have been elevated to a “Middle Class status” often University educated and living comfortably within the system, they tend to buy the “Russia did everything narrative," without question, and then go back to their lives.

Currently in the US… the way I see it anyway, Trump is still hated, so anything he says, does or doesn’t do or doesn’t say is subject to vitriol and ridicule.

Honestly… confession I used to be one of those Trump-haters, but I am slowly becoming a fan. And I’ll tell you why; anybody who is hated so vehemently by a class of tools I consider to be institutional liars, can’t be all bad.

Russia must be held to account for its role in the chemical attack on Syria

I have written before, that I believe Trump is/was probably a corrupt businessman, but not a corrupt politician. Still deeper, I’ve come to believe that he’s backed by interests that want to take America into a different direction. I’m not sure what that direction is, but, despite recent events and political appointments, it seems to be away from its hegemonic, regime-change, pro-war agenda.

And although Russia and China, militarily and economically, respectively, are helping to quell America’s geopolitical ambitions, having Trump in the White House seems to make that Titanic turn a bit easier.

Personally, I lack both the intelligence [read; information] to analyze anything that occurs on the planet, whether it’s global climate change or pyramids in Antarctica. I’m just a simple Suspicious Observer (and occasional Vagabond Philosopher).

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As a pattern detector, I’ve noticed a few waves that make me curious; first the mainstream media repeatedly engages in reporting information without investigation, interrogation or integrity. Its talking tools engage in rampant speculation and incessantly analyze their own hypotheses as if they are true….

As in… Russia must be held to account for its role in the chemical attack on Syria, sans any tangible evidence that such an attack even occurred.

Although the alternative, or as some refer to them, the truth media makes a valiant effort to investigate and report the, or their truth, many of the presenters react to the information the MSM puts out. Citizen journalists, as vital as they are, don’t have the budgets to investigate and/or debunk the claims of the MSM. It seems that the alt-media’s version of the Associated Press is Zero Hedge which is why so many alt-media hosts repeat the same (or similar) talking points across the vlogosphere.

This is not to diminish the role of Zero Hedge, it’s a vital resource, nor to disparage the alt-media presenters. Although they are often reacting to MSM reporting, their emotions are often not (well) hidden. Nor are their motives… they are out to make a buck, or at the very least preserve their wealth, increase their fan base and their influence. Many are unapologetic capitalists who feel they’re caught up in a rigged system.

Still, a lot of people seem to be left out of their (alt-media’s) scope.

(But that’s another issue. It can be said that it’s their own fault. Many “Liberals” are so caught up in so-called Identity Politics, that they don’t see the Big Picture and even if they could they probably wouldn’t believe it. I still love them, (my Liberal friends) I just can’t talk to them.)

So… back to the question. Why should we believe anything we’re told via the media… MSM, or alt-?

One of the metaphors I like to use to describe information is the classic Pie Fight scene from the 1965 movie, ”The Great Race”. The Pies are lies and everyone gets sucked in immediately, except for Tony Curtis who manages to duck and dodge his way through the melee.

The point is, eventually we all get sucked in. Unless you’re an “un-contacted tribe” somewhere, or a survivalist who’s walked away from society, current events affect us all (metabolically) and one of the few choices we have, is to decide which source(s) to believe and react to.

My personal strategy is to listen to the alt-media. Why?

Because the alt-media reacts to the MSM, I get the position of the MSM, as well as why the alt-media thinks it’s “fake news” - and then I watch what comes next.

Trump will be the greatest and most hated US President in its history.

Alan Watts made a good point about the future defining the past. For instance, we can look back on Obama’s Presidency and see how he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, yet presided over a nation at war. Today, we take a look at Trump, so far the US has not gotten involved with any new wars, no countries have been destroyed and no world leaders have been assassinated by dark forces.

This of course could change tomorrow.

The future defines the past.

Personally – and this has become my mantra – Trump will be the greatest and most hated US President in its history.

Prove me wrong. (Maybe history will.)


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it is very blessed, hopefully with the information you give this, everyone can be aware and can progressively grow .. thank you